Paragraph 12 • part one

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"I want you to be alive, I want you to be alive,

People think we're weak, some people think we do it just to get attention,

You don't gotta die today, you don't gotta die,

But the thing is we don't do it because of that reason, some of us do it because it's the only way to realize pain, some of us because they're just tired and just want to end things

I want you to be alive, I want you to be alive,

I was one of those people who went through a lot of pain, and I still do. You might think 'oh, she's just writing this to get attention and i don't know something, but the thing is I went through stuff that you wouldn't even imagine

you don't gotta die,

I hated myself, I hated myself for everything I wasn't, you can call me childish at this reason but I was jealous, I was jealous because I felt like I wasn't enough.

I'm not really good at expressing my feelings, but if your reading this, YOUR NOT ALONE,

And let me tell you why."

I cried a lot, I was criticized by everyone, I was a cutter and I fell in the temptation of cutting, and let me tell you, the scars fade, but the memories don't. I don't anymore of course, I stopped when I saw the disappointment on my moms face when she found out, I hated how she looked me; disgusted. As if I wasn't her daughter, like I was weak. And I was.

I let everyone get to me, I let people destroy me, I citified the people who broke me years ago.

I was lonely,

Not only in as if I didn't had friends or family

But in the heart too.

Until he came in my life,

We started talking/texting,

I felt like I finally had someone that understood me, we have a lot of things in common.

We started as friends and one day we stopped talking, i felt lonely again. Until he texted me again and told me he was afraid, and I asked him afraid of what?

And what he said next froze me on my spot and sent a party of  butterflies on my stomach.
He said-

I'm afraid to fall in love with you

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