Paragraph 13 • part 2

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"Is it the very first breath from your heads been drowning underwater

I didn't know what to say to him, so I told 'I'm afraid of falling for you too.' I really was, I didn't like the idea of falling in love, and then getting my heart broken at the end.

At the end I didn't get hurt.

Or at least not yet.

and it's the lightest in the air when your chest-to-chest with a lover

I ended up falling in love.

First I thought, ' real love? Nah, I must be dreaming.

But over the days he proved me wrong.

I fall  in love with him every day,

I feel like like I'm not the same,

And I am not.

It's holding on through the roads long

Over the months that we've been dating, I noticed that I changed,

He and our relationship, changed me in a thousands of ways.

I stopped cutting, sometimes it goes through my mind, but the thought goes away when he kisses me, hugs me, and says 'I love you'

My jealousy stopped, I stopped caring about what the people said.

And See a light in the darkest things

I'm not sure if I want to tell him after all of what I've been through; I haven't told him about my past.

And I'm scared I'm scared he's going to leave me after I tell him.

Should I even tell him about my past?

My heart says that I should but my head tells me not to.

And I didn't.

I should've.

Cuz if I would've, I feel like our relationship lasted a lot longer.

When you stare at your reflection finally knowing who is it I know you'll thank God you'll did.

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