One: New Assignment

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"Patrick! Are you free to talk?"

"I just got home," Patrick sighed, slumping his shoulders tiredly as he held his cell phone up to his ear. "Please don't tell me-"

"I'm sorry, Patrick," Pete huffed. "It's another assignment."

Patrick shut his eyes tightly and let out an exasperated sigh over the phone. He wondered for a brief moment if maybe, just maybe, his responsibilities would all disappear if he wished them away hard enough. Sadly, however, when he opened his eyes, he was still in his house, and Pete was still on the other end of the phone telling him he had to work more.

"Don't be mad at me," Pete muttered, resting his elbow on the table propping up his chin with his hand. "It's not like I wanna give you all these assignments, we're just short since Joseph's gone now."

"Where is Joseph?" Patrick asked.

"You know as well as I do, he broke one of the rules," Pete sighed. "From what I understand, he got attached to one of his assignments and he had to be sent off. So until we find another angel to do the job, we're gonna have to pick up the slack ourselves."

"We?" Patrick let out a laugh as he asked. "I don't see you getting out here and making matches! I'm the one doing the work here!"

"You're not the one doing all the paperwork," Pete condescended, looking over his desk at the piles of unfinished paperwork before him. "I have to make sure the math and reasoning is right behind all of the assignments, and you do the work based on my outlines. Anyone can do what you do; you're a glorified attack dog."

"Sorry, I didn't mean for you to get your wings all in a twist over this." Patrick curled his own white-feathered wings around himself protectively as he spoke.

"No, I'm sorry," Pete sighed, resting his phone between his cheek and his shoulder and burying his face in his hands. "I shouldn't be snapping at you. I'm just stressed out. I'm not used to being the one in charge of this yet."

"It's okay," Patrick comforted. "Just tell me who this next assignment is and I'll get it done, I promise."

"Your next assignment is gonna be a tricky one," Pete warned, flipping through a stapled pack of paper until he found what he was looking for. "His name is Gerard Way. He's twenty-six years old, he's the lead singer of a famous rock band, and he's very famous. Other humans seem to find him very attractive and according to my sources, he's a particularly kind and caring soul."

"He sounds like he can have anyone he wants," Patrick observed, jotting down some notes on a piece of paper. "This shouldn't be hard."

"Don't speak too soon," Pete warned. "This one's not gonna be easy at all. I know that because Merideth just quit on him."

"Meredith quit on him?" Patrick responded, in complete and utter shock. "But... She's never given up on anybody!"

"That's the scary part," Pete clarified. "She's found matches for the most difficult assignments and even she said he was impossible to find a match for."

"What's wrong with him?" Patrick asked, continuing to take notes.

"He's famous," Pete sighed. "When someone's as well-known as he is, it's difficult to tell which humans really love them and which of them just want a taste of what they have. Some humans just want Gerard Way for his money or his fame and he doesn't seem to be interested in love."

He took a moment to over-dramatically slam his face against the table and stay there for a moment.

"Humans are so complicated," he complained, his voice muffled by the desk. "I haven't slept in days."

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