Three: You Can Lead A Horse To Water

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"Patrick, slow down-"

"I did it!" Patrick shouted through his phone happily. "I found a match for Gerard Way!"

"Really?" Pete sounded excited. "Who is it?"

"Frank Iero!" Patrick said. "He's one of the guitarists for My Chemical Romance."

"Woah, woah," Pete now seemed apprehensive. "Patrick, are you sure about this?"

"What do you mean 'am I sure?' Of course I'm sure! This is my job!"

"Okay," Pete sighed. "I'm just worried..."

"Why?" Patrick asked. "It's not like this different from any other assignment."

"I dunno." Pete flipped through some pages in his book. "Something's off about this one. You did it so fast, I'm wondering if maybe there's been some kind of fluke. My files tell me they've known each other since they were teenagers. I feel like if they've been friends for this long, they would've figured it out by now."

"You'd be surprised," Patrick chuckled softly. "I've had to match people up who've known each other for longer than Frank and Gerard have who had no idea they belonged together. People are so strange... Can you imagine looking at someone you love and not even knowing you're perfect for them? I mean really-"

"Alright, I get it!" Pete interrupted. "Humans are complicated."

"Yeah," Patrick smiled. "But this should be easy. Like leading a horse to water."


"I dunno, it's some human phrase I heard," Patrick guessed. "'You can lead a horse to water.' I think that means that you're doing something painfully easy."

"Whatever," Pete rolled his eyes. "I wish humans would just say what they meant. I hate these phrases they use."

"You and I both." Patrick chuckled. "Just let me handle this; it should be done in a few minutes."

"Someone's confident," Pete scoffed.

"I've never had a job this easy!" Patrick smiled. "They let me stay backstage for their entire show and I overheard the roadies talking about some secret New Year's party the band is going to. I'm sure I can find a way in."

"Patrick, how'd you get them to let you backstage?" Pete asked, burying his face in his hands. "You didn't get attached to them, did you?"

"No!" Patrick defended, pausing for a second. "Well-"

"As far as I know, you didn't," Pete warned. "Let's keep it that way. We can't have you breaking one of the biggest rules we have."

"You told me to break rules-"

"I told you to bend one rule," Pete explained. "And I told you to do it discreetly. I can't have you getting kicked out for becoming too friendly with humans."

"Okay, fine," Patrick huffed. "I'll keep my distance. It's a totally one-sided friendship anyway. It's not like I'm gonna become friends with them permanently."

"Good, good. At least you know your place."

"Just you wait, I'll have this in the bag in no time. As soon as I get Frank and Gerard together, I'm outta here."

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