Four: The Matchbreaker

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"Hey, Patrick! Glad you're here!"

Mikey approached Patrick, red solo cup in hand and a cheerful blush on his face from the cold outside. He slid off his heavy coat and hung it up on a coat rack by the door.

"Mikey, hi," Patrick smiled politely. "Great party."

"Yeah," Mikey exhaled, looking around at the people that had come. "Joe really does know how to throw a party."

"Who's Joe?"

"Friend of a friend. This is his house." Mikey leaned up against the wall, grabbed a potato chip from the snack table, and ate it quickly before speaking again. "Anyway, he likes doing this New Years stuff. He said something good's gonna happen at midnight, so I'm just waiting out to see what it is."

"Hey, speaking of which, do you know what time it is?" Patrick looked around timidly for a clock.

"Someone's excited for the new year," Mikey giggled. "What's waiting for you after that clock strikes twelve?"


"The new year is perfect for changing things aup," Mikey ventured. "What're you gonna change up?"

"Oh, uh..." Patrick stammered, trying to keep his act up. "I, uh... I wanna... help people."

He was practically kicking himself with regret. He knew Mikey wasn't going to buy that weak resolution.

"That's it?" Mikey chuckled.

"Well, what's yours?" Patrick asked. Mikey smiled shyly.

"I wanna fall in love." The blush on his face had risen to a heavier red color. "I know, it's so cliché and stupid to wish for love in the new year, but I don't care. That's what I really want."

"Mikey, that's amazing," Patrick gushed. "I really hope you find someone soon."

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not getting my hopes up," Mikey admitted. "I've had pretty bad luck with love in the past. I'm not expecting a miracle, I just want whatever happens next to be true."

Patrick had to hold back a laugh as Mikey said that.

"Mikey," Patrick assured confidently. "You don't need any luck to find something real. I promise you, come next new Year's Eve, you'll have what you want."

"What makes you so sure?" Mikey chuckled.

"Because you're ready." Patrick cleared his throat. "You want to be in love, you've put that energy out there, and who knows? Maybe you've got a guardian angel on your side. You deserve to love and be loved."

Mikey chuckled softly.

"You really think so?"

"I know so."

Mikey's eyes brightened a bit as he heard this little bit of reassurance.

"You know what? I'm gonna do it!" Mikey proclaimed, happily. "I'm gonna find my true love this year, no matter what!"

Patrick immediately felt his heart warm as soon as he heard that. It seemed as if, for some reason, a wall had tumbled down; he almost felt as if he were feeling genuine human emotions. The thought of it made him sick to his stomach, but at the same time, it excited him. He wondered what it might be like to be human; to have a chance at living a meaningful life instead of one that consisted of helping people and never receiving any gratitude for it. For a split second, he considered what it would be like if he were to ditch his position as an angel and live on earth amongst the humans. He shook off that thought, however, when he realized that his task had not been completed and that he was running out of time.

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