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'Cassandra!' I squeal, chasing her around the park. It was a Saturday, my favourite day of the week. There was no better way to spend the weekend with my best friend. Her straight long golden hair flew in the breeze as she continued to run farther away from me.

Finally she stops, out of breath and gives me the chance to catch her. 'Got you!' I giggle, hugging her from behind. Cassandra turns around to look at me with a cheeky grin. 'Why do you always have to catch me?'  She shakes her head as I laugh once more.

After I unravel my arms from around her, we then both sit cross-legged on the grass. Looking up at the clear blue sky, the tallest trees sprinkled with beautiful blue flowers and birds nested in them. she took my hands in hers and I look down and fixate my chocolate brown eyes on her bright blue eyes. She has a very pretty look about her and I tell her that so often.

Cassandra sighs. 'You know Penelope, I don't want to grow up so quickly.' I continue to look at her. 'We are already eight years old and sure, we have our whole lives ahead of us, but we are going to be all grown up before we know it.' She looks around the park once more.

I then smile at her. 'Let's just enjoy our youth while we still have the time to do it.' She looks at me, knowing that I am right.'We are for sure growing up, but we are still young.'

She nods. 'Thanks, Penelope.' She smiles and soon enough our mums were telling us that we had to go home now. Our homes were on the same road, so at least we got to spend more time together on the walk home. The sun was setting by the time I got to the front of my house.

I then pull Cassandra into a hug. 'See you on Monday!' I exclaim as she unravels herself and continues to walk off, waving at me. At the moment she is out of sight, I notice a bright white light in the sky and look towards it, puzzled. It shines even brighter and brighter until everything suddenly goes black. When I wake up again, mum looks at me with concern.

'What happened there?' She wonders out loud. 'Are you okay, dear?' She looks at me.

I didn't know exactly what happened there myself either. 'I don't know what happened, maybe I'm just a bit unwell.' I partially lie. The only thing I remember before blacking out was some strange bright light and I have no clue why. She smiles slightly at me. 'Maybe you should get some rest.' She comments as she takes me into the house.

Little did I know, a good night sleep will change everything the next day.

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