Chapter Three

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At the high school, I run past unrecognisable students until I make it to the main office within the building. With a big push, I open the glass door and close it behind me.

I turn around and see the friendly looking receptionist sitting behind the desk with a smile. 'Do you need anything, love?' She asks as I continue to stare at her. 'I promise that I won't bite, into my food but definitely not a human being.' I walk towards her with an awkward smile.

'This is my first day here, and I have come for my class schedule.' I lie as the lady nods and looks through the computer, searching for my classes. I feel sick to my stomach that she will find out.

After a few moments, she looks at me again. 'What's your name?' She asks. I then tell her my real name and she continues searching. 'We can't find anything on you, Penelope.' she says.

I feel myself start to sweat but I keep my cover and smile at her. 'I don't mind if I just join any random class today.' The words spill out. 'Just hook me up with any class today.'

She looks a bit unsure but it's quite well hidden. 'What year are you in?'

'I'm starting Year 12 today.' I respond, realising my stupid answer.

She smiles at me again. 'You can join Mr Richards' Maths class then.' I start to dread just how hard the maths will be for my eight year old brain. 'Come with me and I'll direct you there.'

Once I stand outside the classroom door, I get a churning feeling in my stomach as she knocks three times. A deep voice comes from behind it and the door opens up. When I've stepped into the room, all heads turn towards me. There were looks of curiosity and interest.

'I'm sorry for interrupting your class, but this is your new student!' She beams, looking at me sideways. 'Her name is Penelope Davis and she will be with you guys for the lesson while I search again for her schedule.' She walks off and the teacher beckons me in more.

He is a young man, probably a bit older than the students in this room, but has a full head of grey hair. He looks at me with a grin. 'You may sit next to Vanessa today.'

A girl waved her hand in the air who was probably Vanessa and I come closer to her, taking my seat at the desk next to her. She grins brightly at me. 'Where did you come from, Penelope?'

'I came here from the another high school, it just turned out to not be the right fit.' She frowns at me while I mentally face palm myself, there's only one high school in this area! I probably deserve the worst liar award at this point. I'm unable to look at her, so I look at the ground.

'Isn't there only one high school in this area?' Vanessa questions. 'Are you sure that you are in the right place?' Ignoring her, she soon turns to the the front and the teacher begins.

Soon he is handing out tests and I realise that I'm officially doomed. Once half an hour went past, we all hand them in and I prepare myself to face the music. Mr Richards looks through them all and then at me. 'Penelope, you've completely failed this test. What happened?'

I should've known this is a terrible idea.

When everybody stares at me, I feel the need to escape. 'Please excuse me for a moment.' I say as I run out of the classroom and through the door. Tears bundling up in my eyes, I suddenly bump into somebody's hand. I spin around to observe the mysterious person.

He has short crimson red hair with a fridge and tan skin. I look into his grey eyes. 'Are you new around here, miss?' He asks before sticking out his hand. 'My name is Chase Donavan.'

'I'm Penelope.' I introduce myself before I realise what I am doing. 'And I must be going now, so if you don't mind-' I'm interrupted by his lips smashing against mine, kissing me.

I'm way too young for this!

I put my hands to his chest, pushing him away from me. 'What do you think you're doing!' I scream in his face. 'Why would you kiss a eight year old girl like that for anyway?'

'What are you talking about?' Chase asks, puzzled. 'Why are you saying you're eight years old? Are you crazy or something?' He asks as I walk towards the front of the school.

I look at him behind my shoulder. 'Don't ask me any questions.'

And with that, I exit the building.

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