Chapter One

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chapter one ;;

her nickname is pronounces joop-ee and joop and joops

"Skye!" I shouted, hitting my boyfriend in the shoulder for eating my fry, "What do you think you're doing?" I said, giving him a death glare, with a look that said put the fry down.

He looked at me smugly and smirked, taking another fry from the tray and slowly making his hand travel closer to his mouth, "Don't you dare." I said to him, with a stare that was intent to kill, "I will murder you, if you eat that second fry."

Skye grinned, waving the fry around his face and I was so close to snatching the fry off of his hands, but the little bugger popped it into his mouth before I could do anything to his, or should I say, my fry.

"You owe me new fries." I crossed my arms grumpily, looking at the empty tray before me, "I mean, dude. This was the one good thing that the cafeteria cooks for the whole year." I reasoned to him, "All the other times it's icky gunk." I said.

He swallowed the last fry, "Don't worry, Jupee" he said, "I'll treat you later." he grinned lopsidedly, with a happy look in his eyes. Usually, I'm not sure whether it's what he says, or how he says it, but it always makes me die a little inside with euphoria. He clasped my hand in his, and I think I died a little more there.

"If you beat me in a game of Monopoly."

My heart shattered.


"Seriously though, how did you get a catch like Skye?" Jessica asked, blabbing on with her Jersey Shores accent. I wasn't really listening until she mentioned my boyfriends name. I stopped and my head tilted a little bit.

My brain stopped to think for a second and I was actually pretty damn curious. How did I get someone as good as Skye? I'm just plain ol' Jupiter, who's not really good at anything. "I'm not sure, actually. I should ask him." I told her.

"Wait, you mean you actually didn't try to get his attention?" Jessica said.

I shook my head slowly. Now that I think about it, I didn't really.

"But he's so.." Jess paused, and I knew the words she was thinking of.

"Out of my league? Too good to be true?" I sighed, finishing her sentence, "I know. That's why I'm taking all the happiness in now. It's better than to not, right?" I asked her, my question raised with hope in my voice.

"It's not that I'm jealous or anything, seriously. I'm happy for you guys! You're both like, the school's hot couple right now, especially with you're year anniversary coming up and all. Which, by the way.. happy anniversary!" Jess said, raising her arms up for a hug.

"Awh, shucks, Jess." I said, hugging her back.

I really thought she was a pretty good friend.


"This is to my gorgeous Jupes, I love you girl." Skye grinned at me, then strummed his guitar.

He cleared his voice and smiled nervously at me, while sitting on the bench with his guitar in his hands. He strummed against once more before picking his voice up.

This could be a dream,

Cause it's too good as it seems,

And you are my fantasy,

When you spend your time with me.

Because you are my world,

And if you left, I don't know what I'd feel girl,

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