Chapter 8: Long Lasting Kisses And Nights Of Opening Up

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I wish I could say that the kiss Hayden and I shared was ordinary and plain, that it was exactly like it was when I was kissing Caden, but then I would be lying. It was exactly like romance novels explained it. I had shivers going up and down my spine, I had Goosebumps all over my body and the butterflies in my stomach was flying around as If someone was desperately chasing them in order to catch them. I felt tingles every time he reconnected our lips with one another.

Nothing else mattered as my lips moved in sync against his own. I had never in my entire life experienced a kiss so fierce, so mind blowing and so incredible as I did when I was kissing Hayden. Not even with Jeremy, or Cade. Breathlessly we pulled away from one another while still keeping our gazes locked together. I could still feel the tingling sensation in my lips, long after he had pulled away. My lips felt swollen and I felt light headed from the kiss we just shared, but not once did I regret it.

“Tell me Ally, does Cade’s kisses leave you breathless? Does he make you wish for the kiss to never end? Are his kisses better than mine?” I could hear a slight hint of jealousy as he asked me this and at the same time pure curiosity. Maybe it was only curiosity. Maybe he thought I was just putting myself out there too quickly and that is why he asked. However a small part of me clung to the hope that he was feeling as jealous as I was when I thought of him being with Violet.

Locked in a trance, from his beautiful, captivating blue eyes on mine, that was now a slight darker blue that normal, I had no other choice than to be completely honest with him. “No Hayds, no one's kisses ever made me feel like this. This was the best kiss I ever had in my entire life.”

I was scared of what his reaction would be to my answer. I was telling the truth, but I didn't want to lose Hayden again. I didn’t want for him to suddenly become awkward and grumpy again. Not speaking to him was driving me insane and I didn't want for our extremely great evening to come to an end so soon. I know I should have, but I couldn't for the life of me regret the kiss. In fact, I wish it never ended.

His gaze dropped back down to my lips again and he softly whispered to me, just loud enough for me to hear, “I can kiss you all night long and I will never be able to tire of the feeling of your lips on mine. That was the best kiss I ever had.”

I could tell that he wanted to kiss me again, and truth be told, I wanted to kiss him too. More than anything. I knew that I only had to ask and he would willingly kiss me again. Both of us could feel the strong pull we had to each other. Instead, we cuddled up next to one another and we watched the rest of the movie we were supposed to be watching. He held me closely wrapped to himself. One of his hands were resting on my back and his other hand rested on my hip. I laid with my hands on his chest and snuggled my head in his neck.

If anyone were to walk in and see us, laying cuddled up in the way we were, they would think we were an item. This was not what normal friends did. It really felt great being so close to him. His intoxicating, masculine scent was driving me crazy and I wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever. It was in that moment that I wanted Hayden to know why exactly I moved all the way here and what had happened to me before I left.

“Hayds.. I need to tell you something..” I said as the credits of the firm rolled up on the screen. He pressed the pause button on the remote and then he turned his body to me, facing me completely. He didn't say anything as he was waiting for me to tell him what I wanted to. He didn't have to. His mesmerizing blue eyes and the soft caresses he did on my back told me enough.

Taking a deep breath, I started speaking about the one chapter in my life that I promised myself I would never tell anyone. “When I was 18 years old, a few months after I graduated from high school, my first love, Jeremy and I decided that we were going to get married. We didn't want to wait until many years have passed before starting our lives together and so, we got married as quickly as we could.

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