Chapter 14: Twister Games, Stunning Photos And Cuddles

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I was excited to go to Greece since I had never been there before and it had always been a dream for me, so with all the excitement bubbling inside of me, I immediately start packing. I decide to pack a couple of maxi dresses and also some summer dresses. I also add some formal wear in case we decide to go somewhere. I then proceed to pack my ballet flats and my black and blue pairs of converse. I walk over to my laundry room where the freshly washed clothing of Hayden was packed and take his t-shit and hoodie with me to my bedroom. Then I proceed to also pack that into my bag. Lastly, I add my underwear and pyjamas and then I close my bag. Who would have guessed that packing a bag could make one this tired. I thought to myself. Taking a seat on my bed, I hear my phone alerting me of another text.

Hey  AllyBear. Yeah I just wanted to say good night. But you’re probably busy soooo.. night.

A small smile makes its way back onto my face. I’m thrilled that he decided to text me, even when he asked me to give him some space.

I’m not busy actually, I’m just sitting on my bed like the potato I am. Good night my Haydsi. Love you Xx

I love you.

I want to talk to you. I can’t sleep.

Tell me one of your ridiculously unfunny jokes.

I love you too.

Wait? Did I say that already?

I giggle out loud at the number of messages he sends me right after the other. He doesn’t even give me a chance to reply to any of the messages. He must be really bored if he’s texting me like this. Those I love you’s though. They make my heart melt every single time he sends them. Thinking fast, I quickly do the one thing I probably shouldn’t.

I’ve got a better idea my Haydsi, if you’re so bored, come over. I won’t be going to bed soon and I know we always have a ton of fun sooo what do you think?

I really shouldn’t.

I’m on my way. See you in ten.

It will be just you and I, right?

Yes Hayds, hurry yourself, but be safe. See you now my teddy bear.

I lock my phone after sending him the reply and then I quickly run to my room and put on the extra pain of baggy pyjama pants I’ve got along with a tank top. I then run to the kitchen and boil the kettle while already preparing his favourite cup of coffee. I’m excited that he will be coming over, just like old times. As I’m pouring the boiled water into the cup, I head a soft knock on the front door. I rush to the door and calm my breathing before opening up. When I open the door, I immediately notice that Hayden and myself are matching. He’s also wearing a baggy pyjama pants with a tank top. He looks HOT. That is the only way I could describe him in that moment.

“Hey Haydsi, come on in.” I say while nervously chewing on my lip. My heart is beating uncontrollably at his proximity, so I quickly step aside for him to enter. As soon as we are inside, I get him his cup of coffee and carry it to the living room for him. We immediately take our seats on the couch where we could normally sit when he visits me and then we turn to each other with a wide grin. I’m thinking he’s thinking what I’m thinking.

“Twister time!” We yell together, and then he jumps up and start moving my furniture out of the way while I get the twister carpet and spinning wheel. He immediately goes for green and I go for the yellow. We start playing the game and not long after that, we are completely tangled up in one another. In all of this we laughed so hard that the two of us eventually gave up and fell to the ground, still completely tangled up. His laugh was beautiful and it sounded so genuine that it made my heart swell. All of the sudden, Hayden pulled his phone out and started taking pictures of the two of us. When we were finally untangled, he pulled me down to his lap and he took another picture of the two of us together. Some of them were completely goofy, while some of them were absolutely stunning.

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