Chapter One- Finn.

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"Okay, Finn, you can do this." I tell myself. "You go on the date, and then you ask the question. It really isn't that hard."

I nervously look down at the ring, thinking of ways to propose. It has to be perfect, because she's perfect. And if it's not prefect, I'll feel terrible. Nothing can go wrong.

I just have to keep it a secret from-

"-Finn!" Poe exclaims. "Is that ... an engagement ring I see in your hand?"

Before I have a chance to reply, Rose screams. For ten seconds straight she screams. It isn't in fear, anger, or pain. It's just ... she screams.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" She says, jumping up in down. "My OTP! MY OTP! It's officially sailing - OH MY GOSH!"

"Shh!" I hiss, quickly pulling everyone inside and closing the door, all while covering Rose's mouth.  "Be quiet!"

"You're going to propose!" Lyra says. "Oh my gosh!"

"LYRA!" I snap. "Be quiet! Please."

"This is so exciting!" Caden says, his voice low and quiet. "I can't believe it!"

"Why didn't you tell us you were thinking of proposing?" Rose asks, her arms crossed, slightly offended.

"In my defense, I only just got the ring." I state. "A month or two ago."


"SHHH!" I snap. "Please. Be quiet."

"Okay," Poe says. "we'll be quiet."

"It's a very beautiful ring, Finn." Lyra states. "You did good."


"When are you proposing?" Caden asks.

"Tomorrow." I answer. "Maybe."

"It has to be perfect." Rose states. "Or else I'll be mad."

"I know!" I reply. "I need to make it perfect. She's perfect. She deserves something just as prefect as she is."

"We can help!" Lyra offers. "It'd be fun!"

"Yeah!" Poe agrees. "We could help you find a good spot, and we could help you figure out what time you want to propose! Rey likes sunsets. She always has. So maybe you could propose just as the sun is setting?"

"That, that's actually a good idea." I state. "Thanks, guys. It'd really mean a lot to me if you helped."

"Great!" Caden exclaims. "This will be amazing. We'll make sure of it."

I smile.

I'm so lucky to have such great friends.


I walk up to Luke, who sits at the new café at the base.

It was built there just a little over two months, and ever since it's been a hit. It is probably because it's the only restaurant on this planet.

Today, I'm asking Luke for his permission to marry Rey.

Honestly, I'm a nervous wreck, and I don't know what I'll do if he says no. I also don't know what I'll do if he says yes.

"Hey," I greet, nervously shaking Luke's hand.

"Hello," he greets, giving me a slightly confused look. "you wanted to see me?"

"Uhh, yes!" I say. "I wanted to, um, see you- so, I could ask you a question."

"About what?"

"Well, you know Rey and I have been dating for three years now," I begin. "and how I've treated her nicely the whole time, and that I never hurt her once."

The Forgotten Jedi - Rey Skywalker // Book V in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now