Chapter Twenty Nine- Rose.

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My eyes flutter open as my conscious regains. A very bright light is the first thing I see, causing me to quickly shut my eyes. Slower this time, I open them again, becoming aware of my surroundings.

The room is white and quiet, despite the low and steady beeping noise coming from somewhere in the room.

I finally realize where I am.

I'm in the infirmary.

Closing my eyes again, I try to recall what happened.

I remember Finn and Rey's wedding. It was beautiful! However, somethings about it come to me in a blur. What happened?

"Rosie!" Rey squeals, suddenly standing in the doorway.

Confused, I reply, "Hey, Rey-"

Cutting me off, Rey rushes towards me and hugs me, "You scared us you dork!"

"What did I do?" I ask, and Rey let's go, giving me a concerned look. 

"You don't remember?" Rey asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"N-no," I reply. "I remember your wedding- it was beautiful, by the way- but that's about it." I pause. "Where are we anyway?"

"Oh," Rey replies, sitting on the foot of the bed. "Well, we were attacked again. You and Luke were shot, and now we're on Naboo."

I stare at her in shock, trying to process this.

Rey continues, "Everyone's alive, thank goodness, but it was scary. How do you feel?"

"I feel, well, sore." I answer. "I guess that's normal, though."

"It is," Rey assures. "Gosh, you really scared us. Caden was a mess."

"Isn't he always?" I ask jokingly, Rey grins. "Anyway, how's Luke?"

"He's good," Rey states. "Thankfully it wasn't too bad."

"Good." I say. "Your own father dying on your wedding day, that'd be awful."

"Yeah, yeah it would." Rey agrees, then sighs. "In other news, Dad and Aunt Leia found out they have cousins. Two girls. They're older then by a few years."


"Yeah, they have some kids and their kids have some kids." Rey explains. "So apparently we have some family here, which is nice. There's a planet right near here and it's basically empty, so they're thinking of building the base there."

"That would be awesome!" I exclaim. "It seems to beautiful and peaceful. I've always wanted to live here!"

"Me too!" Rey replies, then stands up. "Anyway, I should probably tell Caden you're awake. I think he's on the brink of an emotion breakdown."

I laugh, "Okay, bye Rey!"

"Bye Rosie!"

Almost the second Rey exits the room, Caden and some other guy who I assume is the doctor, comes rushing inside.

"Rosie!" Caden exclaims. "Oh thank goodness, I thought you would be asleep forever."

"Hey, Cade," I reply with a smile. "I woke up, as you can see. You're so dramatic."

Caden smiles slightly, and sits down beside me, "Never sleep that long ever again, okay Rosie-Rose?"

"Okay," I assure. "I won't. I promise."

"I love you, Rosie," Caden says.

I smile, "I love you, Cade,"


The Forgotten Jedi - Rey Skywalker // Book V in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now