Chapter Sixteen- Caden.

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I rushed outside, not bothering to check on everyone else. They'll be alright, I thought, they could take care of themselves. They don't need my help.

But what what if they did?

I punch my pillow as memories flash into my mind.

With a sigh, I shook my head, letting go of that thought.

I'd just get in the way. They're all adults. They've been through worse. They can take care of themselves.

Guilt eats away at me.

I came out of the base and got as far way from it as I possibly could. When I felt I was safe, I coughed, almost falling from the amount of smoke I inhaled.

My vision focused after my coughing fit was over, and I saw everyone.

Or, at least, I thought it was everyone.

My world went black then, but rarely I'll get little glimpses from that night.

A few of us went in after the explosion, seeing—hoping, they survived.

At least one of them.

At that time, I wasn't thinking clearly, as I just witnessed the base explode, with my father, my hero, and two best friends still inside.

Tears well in my eyes.

They bring Luke, Finn, and Rey out, all three of them coughing with very visible burns. My heart stopped when I realized my father wasn't with them. I froze, my mouth agape and tears already in my eyes.

"Where's my dad?" I asked weakly, but I got no answer.

"Where's my dad!?" I repeated, my voice stern and demanding. "Where's my father? Where's Bodhi Rook?!"

They still don't say anything, but in return, I hear someone shouting.

I follow the voice, seeing my dad, limp and lifeless on the floor. A few people surround him, trying to revive him.

Everything sounds so far away, but so close at the same time.

Then I hear it, clear as can be, "Time of death, 2:34AM,"

As the memories fade, I begin to fade with them, and then I fall face flat on my now almost featherless pillow.

It's been a week. And the memories are still fresh in my head.

"Sooo, what happened here?" I hear a voice.

Quickly I sit up, blinking the tears out of my eyes, "Nothing."

"The tears in your eyes and feathers on your face say otherwise." Finn replies, sitting down on his bed. "Are you okay?"

I shrug lightly, "Yeah,"

"Are you sure?" Finn asks. "I'm hear to talk if you'd like—well, only if you don't ask me to help clean the feathers. That's all on you, buddy."

"No, no, I'm good." I insist. "I was just ... thinking."

Finn looks at me unconvinced, but soon sighs, and drops it, "If you insist."

"What about you?" I ask. "You get married in what... a week? Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"Actually, it's two." Finn replies. "And yes, I should be getting ready. I actually came in here to see if you'd like to help me with a few things."

I hesitate this for a minute.

I mean, I'm all out of pillows to beat up, and I guess new scenery would help with grieving, maybe? But I really don't feel like going outside. I'd have to deal with people.

The Forgotten Jedi - Rey Skywalker // Book V in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now