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mynameajeff: hey angel! hru doing 2day?

seheart: new phone, who dis?

mynameajeff: sweetheart, were using ig, that isnt goin 2 wrk

seheart: god damn it

mynameajeff: so, hru?

seheart: same as yesterday, hiding my candy from thirsty hoes and trying to get rid of pedos

mynameajeff: what pedos? tell me who dey r rn and ill show dem who boss

seheart: holy fucking shit, you moron. the pedo is you, pedo

seheart: and please for the love of god, form a complete sentence!

mynameajeff: oh srry sweety. but im not a pedo, i only 19 years old

seheart: hah! pedo! i'm only 17, bye bitch

mynameajeff: oh b quite, is only a 2 yr age difference

mynameajeff: but if ur really worried, well keep out forbidden love on the down low

mynameajeff: like romero and julien!

seheart: you're so lucky i'm not there to bitch slap your ass to pluto

mynameajeff: ooh, kinky, me likey

seheart: ugh!

mynameajeff: r u touching urself w/ out daddies permission 1st?!

mynameajeff: bad boy, ur getting a punishment

seheart: holy fuck i hate you

mynameajeff: thats not wat ull be sayin 2nite bbyboy

mynameajeff: so, sweetheart, wev ben talking for a hole day now, don you think is time to sen noods??

seheart: if you think you're going to get nudes from me with that grammar, you got another thing coming

mynameajeff: ye, ur dick

seheart: oh my lord, if i ever find out who you are, i'm going to kill you

mynameajeff: no u wont bcus wen we meet, ull b humping 4 joy

mynameajeff: *jumping, bt dat betr

seheart: i don't have time for this, i'm leaving

seheart: i've got people to feed

mynameajeff: u hve kidz already!?!?!

seheart: no, ever heard of friends?

seheart: these nasty vultures are always hungry, and i'm the one they always surround

mynameajeff: awe, dat succs. is dat boy u told me abt b4 gon b dere?

seheart: of course, he's my main hoe, i just have to feed him

seheart: anyway, bye, these people are on the counters attacking my cabinets

seheart: talk to you later, i guess

These chapters are really bad and I don't have any excuses as to why they suck so much, so I'm just gonna apologize. But hey, Sehoon is making some progress at least! Anyway, plz vote and comment, they give me motivation to continue my shitty stories.

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