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~continuing from chapter 6~

mynameajeff: so, wat r u up 2 now bby

seheart: nothing actually, just listening to music and talking to you

mynameajeff: u jus made me have hart attack, u so cute

mynameajeff: i'm da only person you been txtin?

seheart: how in the world did you spell heart wrong?

seheart: it is literally in my username

mynameajeff: idk

seheart: and don't get too excite, you are the one constantly texting me, and i'm conveniently bored which is the only reason why i'm even responding

mynameajeff: suuuure

mynameajeff: dats da only reason

mynameajeff: anyway, what musik r u lisenin to?

seheart: mainly kpop, since that is the majority of this playlist

mynameajeff: cool! i like kpop two

mynameajeff: have you hurd of the group extro?

seheart: are you kidding me? who hasn't heard of them? they're only some of the greatest people to ever live!

seheart: have you heard their songs and seen their faces??

seheart: like fucking hell, i have heart complications every time they're mentioned

seheart: not to mention, i'm in love with baekhyun

mynameajeff: i c u r a fan of them

seheart: i wouldn't call myself just a fan, considering i'm gonna be the one to make baekhyun realise he is gay and then marry him and have three kids together and have kinky sex every night

seheart: i am not a fan, i am the future sehsage to his baekon

at this point idek what the hell is going on in my own story. like, i needed him to be famous without exo being a thing, and they're so dann extra, so ya know. the two had a baby and the name was born. basically, what i'm trying to say is, i'm sorry this chapter sucks more ass than sehun does, i just needed an update lol. see you all next time babes!

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