Rejection And Adoption

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~maybe, just maybe, I could trust someone again, but everyone breaks promises....~

Emily sat down across from me, in a secure room, in the police department. "Why did you do it?" "Do what?" I glared at her. "Why did you beat the living crap out of Sabrina?" I stayed quiet. she growled and slammed her hands on the table. i stay quiet. "TELL ME ANDIE!" i fiddled my fingers. "i don't know what you are talking about..." she walked growled and walked out of the room.

Another woman walked in. "mom?" she sat down in front of me. "sweetie, you know your adopted, and i know i promised to keep you, but i cant have a person who kills people, living in my house..." "m-mom!? i didn't kill anyone..."
"miss you're going back to the orphanage..." the police officer said.
"no! you can't make me..." i fought her till she got in the car. she pulled out her phone and put her earbuds in.


They had just shown me my room. I stayed in my room till they called me to another room.
A woman with blond hair, blue eyes. a man was next to her. He had black hair, green eyes, and a hook for a hand!
I looked at them, taking my ear buds out. "Hi" I said quietly. "Hi, I'm Emma Jones. This is my husband Killian. We hear you just got transfered here?"
I nodded slowly. "Something like that." I sat down in front of them. "I just moved here how did yo-" Killian intrupted. "You are a very special girl Andie. We know that." "We want to adopt you Andie.." Emma said.
"Y-you want to a-adopt me..." I stuttered. They nodded and got up. "We got the papers signed and everything. You just need to pack." I just sat there, shocked. "Andie, are you okay...?" Killian knelt down in front of me. I shook my head then got up. Emma put her arm around my shoulder. I moved away.
Emma walked into my room with me. She helped me pack my things. I didn't have much, so it didn't take long. "So where do you live?" I asked Emma. "Storybrook Maine, why?"
"That's really far." She turned to face me. "There's a few things you should know. Our town, is really crazy." "Crazy is my life Emma." "We have magic and chaos and fairy's and fairytales." I chuckled. "Sure.." I said sarcasticly.
Emma chuckled and help me carry my things out to the car. Killian followed us; getting in the drivers seat, Emma turned the music up.
As we got on the rode, I fell asleep, listening to my music.


Hey guys, I love this series. This is my faviortie book so far. Please vote and comment. What do you think will happen if Andie wakes up in a world of magic?

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