New House, old memories

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    Waking up, I realized I wasn't in the car or my other clothes. This is getting weirder and weirder..... I got up and looked around. My bed was on the far wall along with my dresser. I opened it. There were my clothes in it plus more.
     "What the...?" A said turning around. A mirror appeared in the corner on the room. "That wasn't there a few minutes.  EMMA!!" She comes running in. "Yes?" "That mirror wasn't there when I woke up. It's like it just appeared there."
    "It's probably nothing, now get changed so you can meat the rest of your family." She say all to excited. She leave after a weird silence. I get changed into another outfit.
   Walking down the stairs I see the living room packed with people. "Wow" I bit my lip and try and find Emma. No one seems to notice me......yet.
    I finally find Emma and Killian. "Hey kid..." Emma says to me. "This is your brother Henry..." Henry smiled and held his hand out for me to shake. He looked about eighteen, if that. "Hi" I mumbled shly. I mentally cursed myself for not being louder. "Henry this is Silver." I smile and look around. "Emma..." I whispered. "Can I go outside for a minute. This is just to much for me right now....." She nods and walks me to the front door. I open it then walk out the door.
    Looking around, I see a small town. A giant clock tower then a small diner. Next to it there is a pawnshop. I know I told Emma, but I can't really trust her right now....  After a good five minutes of arguing with myself, I jog down there.
     It was a small pawnshop, but a lot of nicknacks in here. "Can I help you dearie....?" A voice said from behind me. I spun around, looking at him. "Well?" I shook my head. "just looking then?" I nodded slowly and looked around.
    As I looked around, as I saw a necklace that looked so fimialar.
     I was walking around my room. My best friends was with me. We desid to go to the principals house. She let's us in and my friends starts to beat the crap out of her. I try to stop her.
   The police came, she got away, but I was sent to be talked with.
     "Silver?" Emma said helping me up. "Are you okay?" I nodded and looked back at the necklace. "That necklace...." I crouched down in front of it. "It looks familiar..." I mumbled looking at the man. "May I see it please?" I asked. He nodded and bend over unlocking the glass case handing me the necklace.
     I grabbed the necklace and started getting dizzy. "E-emma??" I asked grabbing her arm. "Don't wake me up this time." I fell over, passed out.

He grabbed me and pulled me close grabbing my chin, roughly. "You obviously haven't figuared out how things work around here. So I will let you off the hook this time..."
The boy with emerald green eyes let me go. He shoved me backward, making me hit the tree. "Now you'll do as I say right....?!?" I nodded. "Well say something."  "Yes p**"

     I woke up in my bed. "P.....p.... What does that stand for...." Emma walked in to check on me. "Are you okay..?" I nodded. Killian walked in. "Swan.... We have a problem..." She ran out of the room. I heard the front door close.
    I got up and ran after them slowly. They stopped at sheriffs station, me I stopped about two blocks away, afraid they were going to take me back to the system.

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