answers well sorta

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I finally got Emma to let me talk to him. Who ever he is? I need answers... the guy looked at me. "I can give you all the answers you need... if you let me go...." he said. I scoffed and looked away. "Silverlight...." He grabbed the bars of the cell and tilted his head. "I won't let you out but I'll bring you food and water, if and only if you give me answers...."

He nodded and sits down. "what do you want to know...." I leaned on the cell. "who are you, why did know my name... my real name...." "one... I told you who I am...... an two.. I went through your files" Glaring at him, she grabbed the bars of the cell. "you may think you know me, but you don't so don't act like you do..... your just a town drunk..... my name was just a lucky guess.." she smirks and walks off. The man grabbed her hand and pulled her back. He grabbed her chin and pulled her close. "you can't deny the truth my dear" '"let me go..." she grabbed his wrist and tried to pulls herself away.

"LET ME GO!" She screamed. A man with blonde hair and a green eyes walked in the room he walked over to Silver and grabbing her by her waist. Silver screamed an tried to get away.

Emma ran in a blasted the blonde hair boy away. Silver backed away scared. "What. The. Hell???" she asked. "Silverlight, come home to us" The guy said. Emma hugged silver tightly. "I'm so sorry silver, we were going to tell you swear...." Silver hugged her back.


"tell me what???" She asked. "magic is real" Emma said. Silver shook her head. "no.... it can't be...." she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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