What does P stand for?

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  i got up and ran after them slowly. They stopped at sheriffs station, me I stopped about two blocks away, afraid they were going to take me back to the system.

   Emma ran out of the car and in to the station. After a few minutes I worked up enough courage to jog over to the building. Killian was by the door.
   "Emma?" I asked opening the door. Killian got in front of me after turning around. I believe he did it to keep me from seeing something.
    "Killian I need help." Emma said. I ran past Killian and to Emma. She was pushed up against the glass, by a guy in all green. I pulled the guy off and kneed him, shoving him to the ground.
   Emma walked over to him and waved her hand. Looking at him then Emma, I shrugged and sat on the guy. "Who are you? Why are you hurting my mom?" I didn't mean to say mom, it was just an automatic thing.
    The guy didn't fight back. "Who are you?" He glared at me, then smirked. "Did I forget to introduced myself? I'm Peter, Peter pan..." I scoffed. "Sure"
    He started moving again. He flipped us over. "You Silverlight. Are to innocent...." He smirked. "For this. But in nev-" he was knocked out by Emma. "Emma?! He was talking!"
   I pushed him off me and got up. Dragging him to the cell I realized he looked fimiliar. "Emma? He looks fimiliar what is his name?"
    "His name is Allen.. He is the town drunk." "Then how did he know my real name?" "I don't know silver..." I sighed and shut the cell Dow . "can I talk to him when he wakes. I know a thing or two about getting people to talk." She smirks evily.

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