Chapter 2

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As the darkness took over my vision, I closed my eyes, accepting death. The warmth of my body seemed to seep out of my body, and the cold seemed to press into my skin like metal.

Opening my eyes, I saw nothing, but I could feel my breath hit my face as if something was right in front of me.

I realized that a certain heaviness once in my arms is now gone. June is no longer in my arms. Realizing this, I began to panic, but I realized that I was enclosed in something as I tried to move.

Struggling, I begin to try to find an opening. Running my hands in front of my face, I feel something like the teeth of a zipper. Determined to get out, I force my finger into the tiny opening between my eyes. Running my finger down, the sound of a zipper filled my ears and the smell flooded inside the bag. The smell could only be described as something rotting.

In a rush, I grab both sides and rip it open, and jolt into an upright position. Only for my head to bang against something and the sound to reverberate loudly.

"Dammit." I concluded that this was not the same building I 'died' in.

Even though I was out of the bag, I still couldn't see anything. It was as if I was in a sealed-off box. As if waiting for me to make a sound, the box or whatever I'm in opens. Not given time to adjust to the light, my left ankle is grabbed, and I'm suddenly being pulled out of my little area.

Not knowing what to do, I decided to try to kick at whoever was pulling me. I felt my foot hit them several times, but they didn't budge; they kept pulling me until I was completely out and landed harshly on the cold hard floor, knocking the wind out of me.

I lay on the floor gasping for air and struggled to focus my eyes on anything. The lights above me were glaring right into my eyes and making my eyes burn.

"Hmm... this is interesting," a male voice came from in front of me, amusement evident in their voice.

Still struggling to breathe, I tried to see where I was. The need to breathe was forgotten when I saw the horrible sight in front of me. Scattered on the floor were corpses and human limbs; blood was on the floors and walls. A couple of metal tables were strewn across with pieces of medical equipment also scattered on the floor. A scalpel is lying a couple of feet in front of me.

I was no longer worried about knowing where I was. Now, I needed to survive.

I try to push myself up, only to slip. Finally, I looked down at myself and noticed that I was naked, lying in a puddle of blood. Panic surged through me as I realized how vulnerable I indeed was. A shoe stepping in front of my face made my heart drop. Looking up, I see only what I can describe as a shadow man with glowing yellow eyes.

"What are you?"

"I am Kurogiri, and I think we will be seeing more of each other."

Dread filled my heart.

'What does he mean by that? Is my blood also going to paint the floor and wall?'

In a split decision, I lunge for the scalpel. Startled by my sudden movement, the man doesn't react right away. I fumbled but managed to grab it.

"I advise you to calm down, I understand the amount of shock you are in from waking up in a morgue, but this isn't the wisest choice."

"A morgue?"

Too distracted from the horrific sight, I didn't notice the rows of doors for the dead, like the one I was pulled out of.

"Of course, I am surprised that you didn't notice sooner," I had to bite my tongue from retorting anything back.

"Where is June?"

"Pardon, who?"

"June, I was with her. Where is she?"

"That I do not know, I was only ordered to retrieve your body, but it seems like that has been put to the side for now.

"My body? Are you going to kill me?"

"No, I think the boss will be more than delighted to see a walking dead girl."

I just had accepted death on my terms, and I don't want that stripped from me again. I lunged at the shadow man with the scalpel in hand, ready to fight. Right when I was going to make contact, I fell into a void of black.

"That was not a wise decision."


I awoke alone, chained to a chair in a room with concrete walls and no windows. The only exit was one door with bars on the windows and no handle on the inside. Like other buildings, this room was also decorated in blood, but there was a mix of fresh and old blood. On the floor near the chair were whole fingernails that looked ripped out. It was pretty easy to figure out what this room was used for.


The itchiness of the sleaves distracted me from looking at my surroundings which is probably for the best right now. While I was out, I was dressed in a pale white shirt with light gray sweat pants. These clothes reminded me of when I was in the hospital, except then I had an idea of what was going on.

The memory made me fall into a rabbit hole of memories of my family and me. We had been a happy family before the accident. My mom and dad always spent time with my sister and me. After the car accident, June and I were together against the world. But now it was just me, alone.

I slumped over in the chair and cried; the fight I once had in me was now gone. If I no longer had my sister to take care of, what purpose do I have?

My vision clouded, and all I could see what the color and vague shape of my legs. The image of holding my dead sister was so vivid I could imagine that I was still holding her.

Having enough of the self-pity, I started thrashing around in the chair.

"Now calm down, child. You have only been in there for an hour," said a voice that I didn't recognize.

"What kind of sick game is this your playing?" I shouted at the voice.

"We are nearly just beginning this sick game, and you're the main piece," the voice said with amusement.

I don't like this person I'm talking to.

"And who are we?" Is there more than one of them watching me? How long have they been watching?

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

I came to the conclusion that this person is a sadist.

"Someone will be in there shortly. Just stay sane till then, miss Kait."

Wait, why did he just call me Kait?

"Wait! Who is Kait?" I asked but was only answered by silence. I guess I will just have to wait, not that I had a choice. 

Heroic Acts - A BNHA Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now