Chapter 3

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While waiting for whoever was going to greet me in their humble home, I kept dozing off, only to wake when my head would abruptly slump over with no support.

This cycle continued until they decided to stop playing the waiting game.

So I'll just wait till they decide to stop this waiting game. But this isn't who I expected to be the host of a room meant for torture and death.

Closing the door behind him was what looked like a high schooler, younger than me by a couple of years. I looked him up and down in search of something out of the ordinary, the boy had blonde hair with some dyed red pieces, and in a typical high school uniform, he looked normal, but then I spotted something that unnerved me. His eyes are red, but that's not what freaks me out. His eyes have no pupils.

His shoes clicking against the floor was the only noise in the room. His eyes never left me. The emotion on his face wasn't something I could place, for I've never seen it before, but I could only describe it as someone that is crazy.

Never have I been face to face with someone insane. I don't know what to expect from this meeting. Not wanting to set off any reaction, I kept my mouth shut.

"Don't you recognize me?"

Much like his eyes, his voice also unnerved me. His voice was high pitch and squeaky, almost like nails on a chalkboard.

"Uh, no?" Unsure of what to do, my answer came out as a question. From his reaction, I'm guessing I gave the wrong answer. He started biting his nails and pacing in front of me.

'Should I say something or stay quiet, so I don't accidentally poke this bear with a stick?'

"You don't remember your big brother, Lil Kait?" With that question, he began to loom over me intimidatingly.

"Excuse me?"

That sentence seemed to snap something in his head as he broke into a laughing fit. Uneasy, I try to lean away from him.

"My dear little sister, after you come back from the dead, you continue to torture me with your words!"

His high-pitched voice felt as though it was stabbing my eardrum, but out of everything going on at the moment, that was the least of my concern. For now, what stands in front of me no longer looks like a high school boy but a thing from nightmares.

His smile twisted to one that seemed to eat up most of his face to meet his eyes that seemed to bulge out of his skull.

"I am not your sister."

I try to tell him calmly so he doesn't act out physically toward me.

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n). I don't know who Kait is, and I don't know who you are."

It seemed that staying calm did not indeed make him calm, for the next thing I know, he was gripping my already pinned down wrist. Sensing the approaching danger, I begin to struggle.

His hands glowed a faint red color, and my wrist started burning from his touch. His grip never faltered as I began to scream in agony. Fear flooded my veins. I don't want to die again, not like this.

At that moment, an epiphany hit me if I was alive, maybe my is also sister alive. And with that thought, determination filled my body. No matter what, I would make it out of here alive.

The pain became worse, and I started seeing smoke coming from where our hands made contact. My vision started to blur, and the corner of my vision was slowly swallowed by darkness. Before my vision went completely black, I headbutted him.

A whisper of a name entered my head as I blacked out.


I was standing in what I could describe as an ocean of black ink, but it only ripped with my steps instead of falling through. There was nothing in front of me except darkness. The only source of light was a moon above me in what I can only guess was the sky.


Answering my call, I heard a voice tell me to blink. So I did, and when I opened my eyes, I was now entirely surrounded by a black void.

No inky ocean floor or moon providing me light. Just darkness.

I preferred the other place.

The darkness didn't last long. A ring of fire opened up in front of me. A creature with glowing yellow eyes stepped out of the ring. Its eyes seemed to look me up and down. Once it was completely out, I realized that it was a huge dog.

"Hello, little lamb." The voice matched the one that told me to blink. It was a deep voice that you would expect from a lumberjack that could lift a tree with one arm.

Error 404. (Y/n) has stopped working.

"What the fuck," first, it was a shadow man, and now a giant talking dog with glowing eyes.

"I- did you just talk?"

"Yes, I indeed did."

"Holy shit, dogs can talk?"

"Some, but I am no dog. I am a hellhound," the Hellhound corrected.

"Okay? Um, where am I?" I asked, finally focused on the critical subject.

"Don't you know? You're the one who summoned me here."

"No? So can you just answer the question?"

"To put it simply, we are in your head." The Hellhound took this opportunity to sniff me.

"And why are we here?"

"You desired something strong enough that it unknowingly summoned me. So I am here to help you get what you desire; in exchange, I get something I want."

"What is it that I desire?"

"Only you truly know the answer to that question," the Hellhound said while circling me.

Only one thing that would be strong enough to summon a hellhound comes to mind. I want to find my sister.

"I desire to find something that I lost. Now, what is it that you want in exchange, Hellhound?"

"I desire souls. The very thing I live for," he seemed eager to finalize the deal.

"By any chance, does that include mine?" I ask uneasily.

"No, your soul is foul like expired meat. No one would be tempted to take a bite. For I desire the souls that are rich in sin, and dear, at the moment, you are surrounded by a lot of it," the Hellhound finally takes a seat in front of me.

"How would I help you acquire these 'souls.'"

"You will kill them, and in return, I help you find whatever you are looking for."

I stood there thinking.

"No need to worry. You would only be killing sinners. You won't harm anyone innocent."

"I can live with that, but I have a few terms I would like to add to this agreement."

"Of course, I am indeed a man of compromising," his ears twitched as he focused on what I was about to say.

"One, you will protect me until the end. Two, you cannot betray me. Three, you cannot lie to me," I stated.

"I agree to your terms," he nodded his dog-like head.

"Then I agree to your deal, Hellhound."

"Let's shake hands on it."

"Uh, you have paws."

"Oh, that is an easy fix."

As those words left his mouth, he began to change. His joints began to shift with a pop that sounded painful. The muscle under his fur began to move underneath, stretching in certain areas and tearing in others; just watching made my skin crawl.

Not too long after, there stood a human in front of me. His glowing yellow feral eyes wouldn't allow my eyes to look anywhere but only his eyes.

I stuck out my hand, and he met me in the middle.

"It's a deal."


If your name is Kait or June I'm sorry! Just use your imagination. ☺

Heroic Acts - A BNHA Reader InsertOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz