Chapter 1: Unexpected guest

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It was very clear that gilgamesh liked saber or atleast admired her like a treasure, one he just couldn't have. It was a sad fact he had to live with, but over the years he started to see why it never worked out.

It all started when gilgamesh decided to come over at the emiya's household that he saw why saber had fallen for Emiya, and this... is that story.


Saber and Tohsaka decided to go out shoping, leaving the redhead all alone. It had been a peaceful day perfect for a cleanup for once. But it wasn't peaceful for long or so you would think the doorbell ringed loudly, as Emiya walked up to the door he had a strange feeling he shouldn't.

When he grabbed the doorknob he hesitated breathing in and out once more before swinging it open.

'Hello how may i.... help you....' Emiya's face turned from a serious to a worried look mixed with slight fear.

Emiya was so shocked he started to stutter a bit 'I..i.. yo...'

The person in front of him seemed a bit displeased by this greating he signing 'Is that how you greet your King boy?' As the golden man- well normal clothed golden man stared at him.

Well, at least he didn't say mongrel... but before he could react to him the blondie walked past him, and into his house as if he owned the darn place...

Gathering up all his courage Emiya turned around and asked; 'What do you want?'

'I want the girl you keep as a prisoner here and make her my wife.' Emiya signed not this again...

'She doesn't want you, you know that.! Now please leave?' Emiya said questioning the last part

'I'm not leaving, untill she will either tell me that herself or agree to become my wife.'

'Fine, but know that she won't be back for a few hours atleast she's out shoping with Rin.'

Gilgamesh was looking around the room a bit inspecting everything, as he slowly made his way through the place. 'The Tosaka girl,? That pest is everywhere nowadays isn't she?'

'Rin can be annoying sometimes, but she's a good person by heart. Since you are staying here anyways would you like some tea?' Emiya offered trying to keep up a smile but that hard with danger in the house.

'I'm more of a wine person myself, but sure I would want to taste tea of this age.'

'Have a seat.' Emiya said already having regret even asking the blond, But he quickly made his way to the kitchen not far away being able to keep an eye on gilgamesh.

Emiya looked at the clock 'I should start making food in an hour aswell just so it's ready for the girls.' We all know how Saber loves food after all...

'You make the food?' Gilgamesh asked suddenly right behind the poor redhead probably smirking his voice soft deep.. has it always been that way? As Emiya started to heat up he quickly awnsered;

'Y-yeah i do it all the time.' I guess blondie noticed the awkwardness the teen had and backed down a bit walking back to the room, but before he did he turned his head Emiya's way

'You should cook for me sometime then, and don't get any ideas i just don't want Saber to get horrible food, or worse food poisoning.'

Emiya wanted to reply but felt that he shouldn't. Lucky for him tea was just ready.

'Here ya go, one tea for the great King of uruk. Hope you like it.' Emiya said seating himself aswell with a Nice hot cup.

"You surprise me you almost sound serious"

Shirou x gilgamesh Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora