Night Time Savior (part one?)

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Shirou walks home and goes through the wrong alleyway but lucky for him someone else is nearby.

(Art not mine ofcourse)


"Such a long fucking day again i swear Taiga, give me extra work again and i'll kill you..." Shirou said while slowly walking back home after a long day of school

Tosaka had ran off sooner as if trying to avoid him for some reason.. she has been around Saber allot aswell. Maybe they? No, they wouldn't. As Shirou was deep in thought he walked into an alleyway to make his journey home shorter.

"Hey look.. he's kinda cute isn't he?" Some blue eyes guy with black hair whispered to another guy with show white eyes and white hair.

"Yeah, let's have some fun" the other said

"Oi! Boy wanna have some fun?" The second but said while walking up to shirou

"No Thanks i'm not interested." Shirou just started to go back to walking before the other guy with black hair put his arm against the wall moving in front of Shirou"

"Oh? It wasn't really a question babe..." being distracted the white haired male came up closer from behind and whispered "were going to have sooo much fun with you here" he grabbed Shirou's ass firmly and Shirou moved as if to slap the guy before the other stoped him and held his hands tight

"Ur not going anywhere" he moved as if to kids Shirou moving closer forcing shirou's chin up holding it tight his lips were so close, too close and Shirou couldn't do anything about it he was goimg to be raped in a alleyway where no one would ever find him in time

"I would let him go if i were you, mongrel..."

"Oh? And what are you going to do if we don't weirdo?" The white haired guy said smirking as he moved to lick Shirou's neck

"I'll cut off ur filthy tongue first" as a small blade flew towards the guy fitting his tongue

"The fuck... dude let's get out of here he's fucking insane"

"Oh no you're not going anywhere..."

-a few minutes later-

"No need to fear Gilgamesh your king is near. "

"W-who are you"

"I already told you mongrel. I don't repeat things."

"W-well Thank you so much, Gilgamesh" the but was hot really hot... blond hair laying gently upon his head, white jacket and red eyes... but he didn't seem completly human. As Gilgamesh slowly walked closer

"Hm? it's King to you, so who are you?"

"I'm Shirou..."

"Shirou... that's a stupid name."

"My name is not stu-" hot lips crashed into his before he could finish another word "hmp"

"What was that for?"

"My reward what else? i'll see you around mongrel.." the blond said walking away and quickly disapearing into the night Shirou started blushing like a mad man yet decided to go home quickly when he got home he noticed how a small card that fell out off his jacket.

A golden business card,

Well, this is going to be more fun than i thought. <3

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