Let's drink~

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It was awkward really awkward... sitting around a table with none other than Saber and Gilgamesh.

Not only that but, Gilgamesh seemed more interested in Shirou than Saber, who was already drunk.

Shirou even thought that Gilgamesh at some point even gave him a tiny wink. Which was not helping the fact that he already looked too hot normaly, but not with the robbes he wore he seemed to be even more perfect than ever showing off his amazing muscles and perfect skin. Not to mention the red lines on his body. As he wore his usual smirk and arogant look but he looked just perfect.

For a moment Shirou had forgotten that staring was rude and quickly looked down again drinking his alcohol. was the alcohol getting to him? Gilgamesh had undoubtedly seen shirou staring he just knew it... Blushing slightly thinking about the moment he laid eyes up on that beauty before him drinking slowly.

He had realised he was gay or atleast bi a while back when Saber tried getting closer. But he just... couldn't do it.

At this point Saber was slightly tugging his clothes almost laying on the ground. With a very drunk look on her face.

"I should get you to bed, it seems... you had a bit to much."

"But i don't wanna... i wanna cuddles with youuuu..." Saber said drunkly

"I'll carry you" Shirou said while picking her up and bringing her to her room. As he walked out he felt how Gilgamesh's piercing eyes were staring at him but nothing more than that.

As he laid Saber down as a arm suddenly grabbed him.
"Stay with me.." A drunken Saber said pulling him closer.
"I-i can't i'm sorry." Shirou quickly left before Saber could argue, closing the door behind him as he left a long sign hanging against the door a bit.

"I'm surprised" Gilgamesh said in a stern yet slightly surprised tone.

"Not only did you win her heart, you don't wish to have it.."

"It's not like that... And it's not like you would understand." Shirou mubbled a bit too loudly as he quickly walked past Gilgamesh, untill he was stoped by none other than the King himself.

"I think i understand clearly." Gilgamesh said suductively looking straight into Shirou's eyes. "I saw how you looked at me  i wasn't sure but now i am."

Shirou tried to get away only to fail and get pushed against the wall. Trapped between the wall and a beautiful pair of crimson eyes that pierced holes straight through him.

This guy really is too much...

"You can have Saber if you want i won't allow you to ever hurt her though!" Gilgamesh serious look turned in to sly grin leaning closer towards Shirou's mouth but as soon as Shirou prepared for a kiss he leaned towards his ear, whispering. "Oh but i found something way more fun to play with~" which send shivers down Shirou's spine which became hot and brough up other needs inside of him. Confused as he was he pushed Gilgamesh away in a moment of power and ran away leaving the King all alone.


Gilgamesh stared at the running boy for a while wondering why he wanted to tease the boy so much... Was it because Shirou was staring at him before in such a way he wanted to take the boy right there? Or was it payback for getting sabers heart or maybe was it just because of the fact he didn't have anyone to love or touch in these 10 years that had passed...

Whatever it was, the King was confused, confused about his own actions how he wanted to do so many things to the boy.

After a few minutes Gilgamesh decided to take his leave he wanted to tell the boy but it didn't feel right to do so. So maybe he shouldn't....


Meanwhile shirou had hid inside his room closing the door panting heavilly, a red blush still covering his face. "godgodgod omg... what just happend!" He boy was obviously panicked beyond believe, but mostly really confused...

After a while of blushing badly thinking about what had happend just moments ago, he decided that Gilgamesh was just playing with him. Knowing how weak he was for him... he knew how hot he looked, and knew shirou was gay.... He just knew everything Shirou thought now laying in bed crying because of what had happend.


As Gilgamesh walked through the halls he heard soft crying noice coming from one of the rooms. Against his better judgement he walked towards the room. He about to open the door but hesitated for a few moments. unsure hoe to deal with something Like this, so he listenend for a while.

"He knew i was gay..."

So he really was... Gilgamesh felt a slight pang in his chest was he.. feeling bad for the boy?

"He just wanted to use me for his own amusement..."

He didn't mean it that way...

"And now he knows i have a crush on him for sure.."

A crush? Another pang this time a bad one. Did this boy like him? well ofcourse he did it's only natural to love his godly body and self but not like this... this was diffrend but why... Gilgamesh thought he should just go...

"You know i can see you right.." the sniffing boy said. "these walks are pretty much shadow see through... i'm sorry.."

"Don't be. Mongrel..."

There he was standing in all his glory, quickly walking towards the boy and kissing him hard on the lips. Shirou's eyes went wide as the taller man climbed on top of him. if it wasn't for the blanket in between them this would have ended much worse.

Gilgamesh pulled away slighty gasping for air. He didn't understand why his entire being wanted to kiss the boy so badly, and claim every part of him as his own. As he moved closer again he started kissing the boy's exposed neck leaving a few marks on him for later.

"S-stop please not like.. this" the boy moaned but looking slightly sad Gilamesh's crimson eyes stared at the boy "speak"

"I.. I just... want it to be real... Not like you want me.."

"How do you know what way i would want you?"

"It's just a game to you. I already have a crush on you like you know and today... you just looked so stunning... i'm sorry..."

"Shirou... the fact that you stared at me like that today awoke something in me that i haven't felt in ages.."

"Yes, i'll make you feel heaven"


Shirou awoke the next morning as rays of sunlight shone inside. He arose thinking of last night.

"What a dream... i can't face gilgamesh for weeks now."

"Hmm what dream?" Shirou turned to see gilgamesh laying naked in his bed with only his down area being covered by a blanket. A blush appeared on Shirou's face as he quickly looked away not believing his own eyes, he had slept with the one and only true King of humanity... Oh god...

 Oh god

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