issa prologue

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Naruto Uzumaki was having a bad day

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Naruto Uzumaki was having a bad day.

In fact, he was having a fucking bad day.

Yes, he was having a fucking bad day and it was all thanks to his fucking parents and their ridiculous fucking favors for the people they're fucking fucking!

Hold up, pause, maybe we should like back-the-fuck-up and rewind to the events leading up to Naruto and his little meltdown. Ah, yes, let's go back to thirty minutes ago when our shitty protagonist— I MEAN AMAZING PROTAGONIST WAS IN THE KITCHEN MINDING HIS BUSINESS WHILE EATING RAMEN LOLOLOLOLOL!




Only in Los Angeles, CA within the Namikaze-Uzumaki household, would one find nineteen-year-old Naruto Uzumaki trying to hide from his parents in their kitchen. With his precious bowl of ramen in his hands, the blond was currently trying to squeeze his way into the snack pantry. Of course, it wasn't working quite the way he wanted it to. If only his parents hadn't bounced into the house, yelling for their son as they needed a favor from the young man, then the boy wouldn't be trying to conceal himself from their sights. Yeah, that's exactly why Naruto was trying to hide from his mom and dad: they needed something from him.

Usually, the blond didn't have any problems doing whatever his parents wanted. However, whenever the two became 'extra animated' while yelling that they needed him, Naruto just knew it would be something wacky. For example, the last time his parents needed a 'favor' from him, the blond ended up watching some random person's pet goat! Apparently, while at the grocery store, his father had bumped into some guy who was looking for a goat sitter; and for some reason, Naruto was the perfect person to take on such task. While the Uzumaki had been a mixture of confused and annoyed by the whole situation (he was watching a goat for crying out loud!), at least the pay had been more than gracious. Still, Naruto couldn't stand doing favors for his mom and dad.

Who knows what they wanted from him this time.

Anyways, just as Naruto was about to try squeezing himself into the pantry again, the worst thing possibly happened: his father ran into the kitchen. Upon seeing the man, the nineteen-year-old sighed as he slowly made his way to table, knowing all too well he had lost this round.

Smiling, his father, Minato Namikaze, yelled: "KUSHINA! I FOUND OUR DARLING SON TRYING TO HIDE FROM US IN THE KITCHEN!" Then, to his son, he said: "Trying to hide from your dearest mother and father? What a bad boy you are Naruto!"

The younger blond rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't have to hide if you and mom didn't always come to me with dumb requests."

He only received the finger from his father in return.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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