1K Reads!!

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Holy crap guys! Thank you so much for helping me reach 1K reads! I didn't even think that was possible. My goal was a couple hundred but this is insane! You have no idea how much this means to me! As a special treat for you guys, I have a sneak preview of what's to come in the sequel, Wish. Hope you like it! 

            "Ed?" Ashlynn whispered, unnerved by their close proximity. 

            "Ash?" Edmund responded, just as quietly. 

Ashlynn sucked in a deep breath, terrified of the words she was about to utter. 

              "I, uh, I l-," She stuttered, her confidence failing her.

Edmund cut the stuttering girl short, brushing a small piece of hair out of her face. He gently cupped her cheek, gazing intently into her cerulean eyes. 

             "Me too." He uttered. 

Suddenly, all of Ashlynn's nerves dissipated, the weight on her shoulders being completely lifted. A giddy Cheshire Cat grin stretched across her lips, and her eyes sparkled in the moonlight. Edmund gazed longingly at the girl before him, memorizing every inch of her face. 

Ashlynn's stare shifted upward to admire the moonlit sky above them. A bright flash skated across the darkness, pulling a gasp out of Ashlynn's lips. She looked down at Edmund, who hadn't broken his stare. 

          "Make a wish," She whispered before capturing his lips with her own.  

Hope [Edmund Pevensie] (UNDER HEAVY RECONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now