12/29/17: I triedddd

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Okay so I have these fine-point crayola markers.

Okay so I have these fine-point crayola markers

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They're not as bad as I thought they'd be.

I just suck at coloring XD

Anywho, have three of my OCs as children.

Oh hey btw this is supposed to be their final designs for this arc of the story =)

Oh hey btw this is supposed to be their final designs for this arc of the story =)

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I kinda failed at coloring here lol. Her skin looks all splotchy.^^

I actually like how this one turned out

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I actually like how this one turned out. My 7yo babuuuu-

And lastly:

I gave up drawing refs after this one eughhhh

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I gave up drawing refs after this one eughhhh.

I'll get to it again soon. My confidence kinda dissolved so- XD

Okayokayokay so I'm super happy right now.

For Christmas I goooot-

For Christmas I goooot-

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Halp it's upside downnnn^^ but yay prismaaas

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Halp it's upside downnnn^^ but yay prismaaas

Halp it's upside downnnn^^ but yay prismaaas

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Eugh bare with me guys, I'm still getting used to this thing

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Eugh bare with me guys, I'm still getting used to this thing.

That reminds me-


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Guys seriously though. It has a fingerprint lock -_-

And Autodesk Sketchbook is so much different! Like I don't even have Pro and there's so many brushes and options holy hell.

Oh and about that. I unfortunately can't finish any of my digital WIPs. Which sucks...


Oh nooo the horror -_- Pfft, I'll live.

~ Bub =)

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