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I went through my aqua suitcase again, checking all the things I would need for my trip my other family. As I checked, my mind wandered. I ended up staring at the picture of a dark haired man kissing a woman that looked awfully like my mother. I found it hidden in the attic, or in other words, the Room of Forbidden Entry. The glass was shattered, and the photo was in pieces. During the last couple of days, I finally managed to find and gather all of the last 2 pieces. I mended the pieces, the glass, and the frame. Then I hid it under my bed, under a invisibility spell. The man looked a lot like someone from the Rutherford family. But it can't be! I thought. The king and queen are married to each other, Fiona and Sebastian are married, and Vincent and Emily are going to be married, I think. There's no possibility! I was very confused. Plus, what in the Devil's name happened to mom? She seems so hollow these days. So dead. She was so upset yesterday when she let slip that my father is vampire. A VAMPIRE! But still, no one from the Rutherfords'. Maybe it's somebody else? What happened between mom and that mysterious man? If mom didn't want me to find out, why does she still have that photograph of them? She could have destroyed it completely. I had a billion unanswered questions. After all, I never had a father, only a mother. That was the half-truth, since mom doesn't really feel comfortable lying to me. Due to that, I always thought and believed that my father was dead. Everyday of my life until yesterday. Vampires can't be dead. They might vanish, then reappear several centuries or decades later. Unless.... he was really and truly DEAD! I finished the sentence in my mind.

I shook my head, murmuring to myself:" No, it just can't be like that! There is no way that someone could kill a vampire. No way possible."

'Vampires are cunning creatures: one wrong move, and they'll be on to you. Indestructible, creatures of the dead. Beautiful, extremely beautiful, these creatures lurk in the darkness, always prepared to strike.' I remembered this from a book named' Vampire: Die Untoten'. I picked it up from my last visit to the King's library. And by king, I mean Sebastian. It's written in German, for some lame reason.

I really wanted with all my heart to believe what I said, but for some reason, it still sounds like a lie. I've been telling myself the same thing since the moment I found out the secret. I even tried to make my mom tell me what had happened, but failed pathetically. I remember clearly what my mom said:" I'll tell you when it's time, dear." But when IS time? Give her some time. A little voice added. I groaned.

My name is Evelyn. Evelyn Hades Rutherford. The heir to the throne in both Hell and the Rutherford family. I was ment to rule once I'm eighteen. I sighed.

I re-checked everything again.

Tooth brush?
Sleeping bag?

"I'm ready!" I called out, with a fake tone of happiness from my gothic black and red bedroom in Hell.

"Remember to answer our calls, Eve." my mom, Scarlet, and my grandfather, Hades said sternly. "And remember to check in often with us!"


When did they get in?! I thought with disbelieve, How did they get in?! I set up a good charm so that people, devil, whichever term you prefer, can't get into this room by teleporting!

"Sweetie, the charm doesn't work on us; it only works on anyone that's not related to you." My mom laughed.

I groaned again. Crap.

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