Different friend Chptr 3

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Reader POV

Blueberry is nice and after he did kiss me I had feelings for him. Ink stared at us in confusion and went back to fight. Then I noticed error wasn't there. "Hey guys were did error go". Dream looked around for error and so did Ink Error was no where to be found. Blueberry's eyes glitches a bit that's when I realized Error kissed me.

Errors POV

I think she found out that I wasn't the person she thought I was. The kiss was good and I figured she'd like it. After awhile of starring I inched closer and kissed her again then carefully slit her throat she didn't feel it though. We kept kissing and after awhile she broke the kiss.

Authors POV

The sanes were starring at y/n and error as they kissed showing their love and Geno tried to attack them but was thrown back by error (error is still in blueberry form). Dream and Ink stared, Nightmare gagged, Horror, Geno, and Dust tried to interfere then y/n broke the kiss smiling back at error then she realized her throat was slit. Error changed to his normal form and layed y/n on the ground and held her in his arms she passed out due to the lack of blood. "Dream get her somewhere safe" ink yelled.

Sorry this is so short 

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