Genocide Route ends16

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Sorry for not doing this earlier there were a lot of things going on and one was that I busted my fucking head and fell unconscious then was bleeding but again I thank @NyxxWerewolff. And u can follow me on instagram plus I'm on Google now enough about me let's continue shall we

Reader POV

After we hugged error looked in sorrow and said something softly. I then walked over to cross. "Your afraid that u might not ever be able to see your paps again that's why u recreate the aus and are afraid of someone not loving you am I right" I say calmly. Cross walked up and said "I'm sorry for what I've done and for how much pain I've caused and your right I am afraid of that". "It's okay I forgive u" I say reassuring him.

Cross POV

She said she forgave me most of the time no one forgives me. I hug her and she whispered something in my ear then gently pecked my cheek. I blushed a little and so did she. I felt warm inside and I suddenly saw white lines dance across the sky and then went down to me and y/n. It looked so magical and beautiful. When she saw them she looked surprised then looked full of joy. As she stared at me she walked closer. She was so warm. 

I'm picturing this in my mind are u cause that's what I'm trying to make it feel like for u guys and I'm done with genocide route do u want a pacifist route as well. Also sorry for this being so short it's because of that injury.

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