Jose x Raph

665 11 8



I stood in front of the punching bag and stared it down intensely. I huffed before I jammed my fist onto the punching bag. The force of the punch sent it flying back, as my other hand prepared to imitate the other hand. My movement was swift, as I was fully engulfed in what I was doing. My playlist, which was full of K-pop, was beginning to drown out to. Until, A few minutes later, I began to come back to reality when I heard a muffled voice become more and more clear:

"Jose! The gym's almost closing up." I heard a gruff voice from behind me.
I slow to a stop and hunch over with my hands on my knees. I breath heavily as I wipe the sweat of my face.

"Kid, you're pushing yourself a little to hard, don't you think?" He puts a hand on my back. I straighten it and smirk while I take off my fist covers. With a short glance at him, I pick up my duffel bag and say,

"Mike, You're getting a little to old to be gettin down in the bedroom(lol), don't you think?" Mike, the owner of the gym, raises his eyebrows and folds his arms looking confused:

"Since when did I share my bedroom adventures with you?"

I chuckle before responding saying, "I saw the box of protection in your desk."

Mike chuckles and says,

"Get outta here,-"

Before he can finish, I interrupt and ask,

" Why do you always close the gym 15 minutes early?"

Mike looks shocked but quickly composes himself and responds,

"I like to clean up and make sure everything's fine so I can head out before or at 8 p.m."

I nod and say bye to Mike. He waves back.

As I walk back to my apartment, I'm half way there when I realize that I forgot my jacket. When I'm Running back, I see that the lights are still on, so I dash in.

"Hey, the gy-" Mike is cut off by my presence. I gasp at the presence of four giant turtle looking things but quickly get into a fighting stance.

"Mike! Get behind me!" I yell. All of a sudden I hear one of them chuckle:

"Wow, that's cute." The turtle with the red bandanna says. He folds his arms and sizes me up. I glare at him and clench my fists.

"I'll show you f*cking cute!" I snarl as I dash at him with speed.

"Jose, stop!" Mike yells. I stop in front of the turtle with the red bandanna and kick him in downtown alley where the sun don't shine.

"F*ck!" He stumbles back and growls while holding his junk. I smirk and say,

"Now that's cute." With delight. The rest look at me with astonishment. Mike runs up to me and tells me that he knows them.

"So, they are what you close the gym up 15 minutes early for!" I semi-yell, while pointing a hand in their direction. I see their expression falter when I make that claim.

The turtle with the red bandanna snarls, "If you've got a problem with it then leave, princess." I roll my eyes and look at him with my fists clenched.

"Keep talking and I'll show you another "cute" trick!" I threaten.

Mike puts two hands in front of me as if to calm me down:

"Look, they're good guys, Jose."

"Yeah, good enough for wasting my gym time. If they can't come when the gym is opened then have them come when the gym actually closes." I say with annoyance in my voice. "I don't mind working out with them here; just, don't cut my time short."

The turtle with the blue bandanna asks ,

"Wait, you don't care if we're here?"

"Should I?" I respond.

He responds, "No, of course not!"

You look at Mike with pleading eyes and he lets you stay for an extra 15 minutes.

Before the turtles leave to train, I stop them and ask for their names. The blue-masked one steps up to me and puts out his hand for me to shake. I shake it and he introduces himself:

"I'm Leonardo, but you can call me Leo. It's nice to meet you!" He says sincerely. The purple masked one steps up next and introduces himself:

"I-am Donatello, but I'd prefer going by Donnie. It's a pleasure meeting you." He says. The next one comes with an orange mask:

"YO YO YO, the names MIKEY!" He gives me an enthusiastic handshake. Last, but not least was the one with the witty remarks. He gets a good look at me and smirks. I can't help but smile at him. I think to myself: That smirk.... UGHH NOPE!

"Raph." He says. He catches me in my thought and I look at him with shock. He cocks one eyebrow and chuckles. I quickly compose myself and introduce myself,

"My names Jose and, you guys seem pretty cool, except for pretty boy over there," I smirk.

Everyone continues to train and work out. We all workout for about 20 Minutes and then we have to leave. As I'm packing up, I sense someone is around, so I take out my earbuds and turn around to see Raph leaning on a workout machine.

"Is there something you want?" I ask in a playfully annoyed tone. He walks up toward me and I start to feel nervous.

"There might be something." He says with lustful eyes. I bite my lip and watch as he walks up to me, only a few inches apart. He soon holds my cheek and leans into my ear,

"I hope you didn't miss me too much." He smirks. "Just tell me where you wanna go and we'll go." He whispers. A chill runs down my back as he slowly backs away and leaves. I immediately understood what he meant and wait for him outside. He meets up with me and we walk around the city, talking and connecting.


"Few more seconds till countdown Jose!" Raph says with excitement. He grabs me by the waist and we watch as the ball drops.


"Hey beautiful, thanks for being in my life." He whispers as he pulls me in close.

"No, thank you handsome." I respond.


"Happy Birthday!" He exclaims as he lifts my chin. I smile at him.


"Happy New Year, Raph!"

"Happy New Year, Jose!"

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