Lauren x Raph

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For @Laurencummins0405

I've danced for as long as I can remember, and it's something that I don't believe I'd ever be able to give up. Like oxygen is essential for life, dance is essential for my well-being— the sole reason for my existence. I've competed in more than 100 dance competitions, and I've either won or come close to winning. Some may call me a prodigy, and some may call me multi-talented for my bearings in singing and acting as well, but dance will always be prioritized first. Always.

Of course, family is important too.

Oh, and maybe Raph too.

"Raph! I'm serious! Get your ass over here!"

Currently, I'm trying to find my sneakers, and I know Raph has hidden them somewhere; I can feel it in my bones.

"What the actual fuck do you want Laur? Can't a guy get some peace around here?"

I scoff at his boyishness and flick his shoulder when he comes close enough.

"Ow, what the hell!" Raph exclaims as he nurses his shoulder in false pain.

"Oh, shut up, you know that doesn't hurt as much as I'd like it too."

I watch as Raph clenches his heart as if my words of wrath physically pains him. HA.

"I don't know what I did, but whatever it is, I didn't do it." He spouts.

I take his hands into mine, and yank them down so that Raph can at least be face level with me. He looks at me with his eyebrow raised and a smirk that I know will never leave his face, and I just smile at him with a sweet smile:

"Darling, I know that you've hidden my shoes somewhere. You know I needa get to my dance class in less than an hour and I need at least 45 minutes to get there; so please, gimme them back."  I say with a forced smile and strained voice. I'm so close to slapping him that I might actually do it.

Raph removes his hands from mine and wraps an arm around my waist before pulling me in flush against his chest. The sickening smirk on his face remains and he puts his index finger under my chin just to tilt it upward.

With that anger-provoking, charm-dripping smile that makes girls go crazy when he's in human form, he begins to speak, "Laur baby, I don't know, maybe that fucker best friend of yours took 'em."

Ah, see, he literally hates my best friend just because he's a guy. I call that jealousy if anything. Raph's just angry that I spend the majority of my time with him. We're literally soulmates, and he simply can't accept it.

"Again, Raph, his name's Jacob, but you have a point. I think he did borrow them last time he was here. I think he talked about his mom needing them or something."

Raph groans in response and proceeds to wrap his other arm around me to hug me tightly against his stomach. "Why does he even need your shoes anyway?"

I gently tap my finger against his forehead as if to remind him of my best friends situation: "Dude, remember? His family is in a tough spot right now and his mom's old shoes are old, so she needs new ones to exercise in, and I didn't mind at the time, but I've just realized that those are my favorite, and I always dance in those shoes."


Before I can do anything, Raph steals a swift kiss from my lips, and I let him do it willingly because I simply never get enough of him—unfortunately.

"Have fun at your dance thing, then. Imma workout and probably hang with my brothers later." Raph claims before letting go of me and heading to the direction of our bedroom.

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