3 ; yoru x reader

306 12 1

- yoru x reader
- teaching how to cook
- note i have no idea how to cook so im winging this


To help Yoru lessen his workloads, you thought it would be a great idea to learn how to cook so you could take over for some days. Except, you didn't know how to cook so you were planning to have him teach you.

You put on the apron that Yoru had lent you and watched intently as Yoru started getting out ingredients. 

Yoru laughed quietly as he noticed your hard stare. "You don't have to stare so intently, I'm not going anywhere."

Embarrassed you mumbled something incoherent and looked down. 

"Anyways, let's start."

Step by step, Yoru started teaching you how to make curry. Beside him, you would follow as he did. The male watched you carefully to make sure you didn't cut yourself by accident as you used the knife. And he made sure you go too close to the fire so you didn't burn yourself. What a nice teacher. The both of you enjoyed your time together in the kitchen.

Though your vegetables weren't as perfectly shaped, and your curry didn't have the same consistency, but it looked the same. You served Yoru a plate of your creation and Yoru served you a plate of his own.

As you placed a spoonful into your mouth, your eyes glittered. "Delicious as always~" you said in ecstasy. Your eyes moved to Yoru's place. "So, how did mine go...?"

Yoru smiled as he placed a spoonful in his mouth. "It's great!" 

A part of you didn't want to believe him. Maybe he was being too nice for his own good. "Are you sure...?" 

Yoru laughed. "Why don't you try it yourself?" Yoru spooned up a bit and held it in front of you, an expecting look on his face.

Without thinking, you ate the curry. "Oh! It does taste pretty go-!" And then it hit you. "Indirect kiss," you mumbled to yourself. You let out an embarrassed sigh and avoided eye contact. You ate Yoru's curry in silence while the confused Yoru tried calling to you.

Confused, Yoru gave up trying to get your attention and instead focused on the curry you made.

chance ; tsukino productionsWhere stories live. Discover now