1 ; kensuke x reader

468 21 17

- kensuke x reader
- confession event
- reader is kouki's younger sister


"I'm in love with you! Please go out with me!" Kensuke confessed confidently with a smile on his face. 

Your face turned beet red and your hands reached to cover it. Super embarrassed, you couldn't even respond. 

What's with this so suddenly? Why now? Why is this perfect boy- To me? In what world-

After a good second or two of having an existential crisis, you lowered your hands a bit so your eyes peeked out the top. Kensuke was still patiently waiting for your answer. He was rubbing the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed now. 

"Ahaha," he laughed weakly. "Sorry, was it I to sudden? You don't have to agree or anything if you don't want to. It's just a selfish request from me, it's okay to decline." His voice got a bit smaller as he went on.

No, no, no, no, no, I have to respond before he gets the wrong idea.

"I love you too!" Kensuke's eyes immediately shot up to meet yours.

Shit, that came out louder than it was supposed to!

Even more embarrassed, you avoided his gaze. You cleared your throat before continuing. "I-I mean... I'm fine with going out with you..." you stammered. 

Kensuke's smile widened. You learn a laugh before you were tackled into a hug. "Then please treat me well!" 

You felt his bubbly laughter against your neck. Your arms moved to hug him back. "Yes, likewise." 

The two of you were ripped apart by Kouki. With a stoic expression and a plain voice, he announced, "Dinner is ready." And walked away. 

You and Kensuke looked at each other, and broke into laughter.

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