Chapter 13 Cheerleading

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"I'm not saying don't date the guy I'm just saying take it slow." Bonnie says to Elena. "I thought you were the one telling me to go for it?" Elena says. We walk for a bit and Elena grabs Bonnies arm. "What are you not saying?" Elena says frustrated. Bonnie sighs. "I accidentally touched Stefan and I got a really bad feeling." Bonnie says. I look at her shaking my head. "Is that it?" Elena asks and Bonnie is about to storm off but Elena grabs her arm before she can. "Bonnie!" Elena yells. "It was bad bad!" Bonnie yells back and I can see a hint of fear in her eyes. "Is this the whole witch mojo thing again?" Elena says teasing. I roll my eyes. Bonnie puts on a fake smile. "You know what! I'm just concerned this is me expressing concern about my best friends new boyfriend." Bonnie says. I glare at her. "Hey!" I say and she looks at me her eyes wide. "Sorry one of my best friends new boyfriend." Bonnie says rolling her eyes. I nod. "That's better." I say and laugh. Elena puts her hands on Bonnies shoulders. "And I love you for it...I do but I feel good! It's been a hard year and I'm starting to feel like things are getting back to normal again...and you know what? Stefan is a big part of that!" Bonnie sighs and nods her head. We continue to walk to school. I shake my head it might be going back to normal for her but for me it is vampires,murders,werewolves and two hot mysterious and can I say idiotic brothers. Life can't get any better I think sarcastically. "Good morning!" Stefan says to Elena and she smiles. Stephan looks at me weird probably because of last night with Damon and Viki. Bonnie notices and pulls my arm. "Can I talk to you I need to find Caroline she's not answering her phone so...cya guys." Bonnie says dragging me away in a hurry not wanting to be near Stefan. "Bonnie, Amy wait!" Elena yells but she keeps pulling me. "What was that look?" Bonnie asks me once we are a good distance away. "What you talking about?" I ask shrugging my shoulders. "You know what I'm talking about!" She says. I roll my eyes. "Nothing!" I say. She looks at me not believing me. "Amy spill!" She says. I roll my eyes. "Ok something happened last night between me and his brother and now it is weird." I say. I was technically telling the truth just missing out the tiny details like Stefan and Damon being vampires,almost killing Viki and the fact that I'm a hybrid. I sit beside Bonnie in class and see her writing numbers in her book. I look at them and am about to ask her about it until I hear the class laugh. I look up to see Mr Tannar once again looking at Stefan who answered the question for Elena. "Thank you...Miss Gilbert!" He says sarcastically to Stefan. Stefan nods and smirks. "Anytime." Stefan says. "Very well the fall of the Berlin Wall?" Mr Tannar asks. "1989...I'm good with dates sir." Stefan says and I laugh. "Are you? How good keep it to the year. Sivil rights act?" "1964" "John F cannedy assassination?" "1963" "Martin Luther king?" "1968" "Lincoln?" "1865" "the battle of getters burg." "1863" "korien war?" "1950-1953" Stefan says and Mr Tannar laughs. "It ended in 52." Mr Tannar says. I look at him confused. "No it definitely ended in 53." I say. Mr Tannar looks at me then to Stefan who nods."look it up...somebody quickly." Mr Tannar yells at the class. "It was 19...53." A guy at the back of the class says laughing, looking up from his phone. The class looks at us and claps. The bell rings and we walk out. "How did you know all that." Elena asks Stefan. I smirk waiting to see what excuse he will come up with this time. "A lot of crossword puzzles it's a loner thing." Stefan says and I laugh. "Lame." I whisper and I can feel him glaring holes in the back of my head.

Elena drags me across the field. Literally drags me by my arm. "Do I have to go." I groan. "If I'm doing this your doing this." Elena says. I roll my eyes. "Stubborn." I mumble and she glares at me. I thought I was the one with the hybrid hearing! "Oh my god your here!" Bonnie yells and hugs us. "Trust me I can't believe I'm here either." I mumble and Elena shoots me a glare. Seriously did she become a vampire in the last hour. "Yep we can't be sad girls forever the only way to get back to normal is to do things that were." Elena says and for me that would be murdering people. "Yeah but that could be lots of different things not...cheerleading!" I say shuddering looking at the preppy girls with their pink bows and can't stop smiling kinda creepy really. "Oh your coming to dinner tonight!" Elena tells Bonnie ignoring me. I smirk knowing Bonnies going to hate what is coming next. "I am?" Bonnie asks smiling. "You, me, Amy...and Stefan." Elena says and I laugh at Bonnies reaction that looks like mine when Elena told me I had to go back to cheerleading pure and utter disgust and terror. "You have to give him a chance!" Elena yells at Bonnie. Maybe cheerleading is fun I think while laughing. "Tonight's not good." Bonnie lies and Elena gives her a 'your lying look.' "Have you seen Caroline I've texted her a million times..." Bonnie says trying to change the subject. Yeah I know where she is probably, being a meal for Damon. I smirk. "Don't change the subject Bonnie Bennet! Your going to be there!" Elena says smugly. "Fine I'll go!" Bonnie says defeated. "Good!" Eleaa says. I smirk. Maybe it's time to show off. I stand up and run doing a backflip into a roll and then a front flip and land on my feet. I stop and hear everyone clapping. Thank god I have hybrid heightened balance. I smile smugly walking over to Elena who looks shocked. " did you do that!" I was about to say something when we hear a car pull up with music blasting. Caroline kisses Damon and I think I'm gonna puke. "That must be the mystery guy from the Grill?" Bonnie says. "That's not a mystery guy that's Damon Salvatore." Elena explains. "Oh he is the other brother!" Bonnie says looking at me and I glare at her. Elena looks at us weird. I shake my head and shrug it off. "I got the other brother hope you don't mind. Sorry I'm late girls I busy." Caroline says grinning. I roll my eyes and walk over to Damon. "Let me guess you were out for a bite to eat?" I say smirking. "Yep!" He says. "Get me out of here please!" I plead and he looks at Elena and nods "Now!" I smile and jump into his car. "Amy get over here now!" Eleana yells. "Um...let me think about that for a sec...nope!" I yell and motion for Damon to drive before she pulls me out the car.

We go back to his house and talk until we hear footsteps. We were currently in Stefans room reading. "How were tryouts? Did you make the team?" Damon asks Stefan as he walks into the room and I laugh. "You tried out for football?" I say it was just gold. Stefan glares at me. "Very Emerson How you reveal your sole." Damon says. I look up stop my book to realise Damon was reading Stefans diary *cough cough* I mean journal. Stefan runs over and grabs it. "So many...adjectives." Damon says smirking. "What are you doing here?" Stefan asks Damon annoyed. "Well I was here hanging out with Amy." Damon says gesturing over to me. "And I came apologise. I've been doing some thinking and sole searching and...I want us to start over. We need to put the past behind us. Your my little brother and if you want to live a normal happy human life then I want that for you. Maybe I could do it too. I can learn to be a non-living, living person. Maybe there's hope for both of us." Damon says putting a hand on Stefans shoulder. Damon looks at me and we burst out laughing. "I can't believe you believed that!" I say falling of the chair from laughing so much. Damon change yeah sure when pigs fly. "You know it doesn't have to be this way." Stefan says. "Of course it doesn't. I saw Elena today BTW that means by the way. She looked so perky in her little short shorts and she was just..." Stefan starts walking towards Damon angry. " I didn't even go near her even if I did Amy was there and she would rip my throat out with her teeth!" Damon reassures looking at me with his hands raised in defence making me smirk. "Anyway I've got my own cheerleader now. Oh that reminds me I've got a date!" Damon says walking to the door. "Yeah with a walking blood bag!" I manage to say still recovering from the laughing fit. "Sweating palms...wish me luck!" Damon says before walking out the door. Stefan looks at me disappointed. "What?" I ask innocently. "Why are you friends with him!" He yells. I shrug. "I don't know. The only reason I'm hanging out with him is because he saved me from cheerleading." I say laughing and he smirks. "I'm sorry ok...can we still be friends." I ask putting my hand out. He looks at me and sighs. "Yeah...friends." He says sad. "You ok?" I ask. He looks at me. "We need to talk about what happened when you stayed over." I close my book and look at him and sigh. "Ok..." I say already regretting this. "Look I like you but I also like Eleana." I look at him shocked. "I just need to there still a chance between us. I look at him and think about my answer before replying.

To be continued...

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