Chapter 22 Halloween party part 1

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I walk with Elena into the kitchen. I grab water listening to Jeremy on the phone. "Just call me please." Jeremy says leaving yet another voicemail. I sigh I wish I could tell him but it might ruin our relationship just like it has with Elena and I. "Hey." Elena says. Jeremy sighs pouring himself a glass of juice. "So you wanna hang out tonight? We could go to the Halloween thing at school it could be fun." Elena says shrugging. I roll my eyes at her attempt to make conversation. There is no way in hell he would go to that. "Cool sure sounds fun can't wait." Jeremy says not meaning it. Yep told you. "Jeremy I know about Viki. I called Matt..." I interrupt her. "What about Viki?" I ask confused. Elena looks at me. "She is staying with Matt." She says cautious. My eyes widen. "I'm gonna make a phone call." I say walking up to my room. I take out my phone and call Stefan. "What the hell?" I yell at him. "Hello to you to." Stefan says. I roll my eyes. "Why the hell is Viki at matts?" I ask annoyed. He sighs. "Damon." He says. I let out a frustrated sigh. "We'll sort it out later in the mean time are you coming to the Halloween party tonight?" Stefan asks. "I don't have a costume." I say. "Yes you do." I hear Elena from behind  me. I give her a confused look. "I bought one for you, thought you would bail." She says shrugging handing me an outfit. I hear Stefan laughing. "I didn't bail I just didn't think about going." I say shrugging she rolls her eyes. "Whatever." She says walking out. Bitch. "Cya Stef." I say. "Cya." Stefan says. I hang up getting dressed. It is an angel costume. Really I am not an angel.

Elena, Jeremy and I walk into the party. Elena wearing a nurse uniform and Jeremy is just wearing a hoody. Jeremy scares shouts boo at little kids that walk beside us. I laugh and Elena hits his arm. "Your no fun." I pout she rolls her eyes walking on. Elena spots Matt across the room smiling. He is also wearing a doctor uniform. Coincidence much. He walks over. "You went with last years costume to huh." Matt says. Oh yeah they went as a couple. Well this is awkward. "Yeah I didn't know I was coming until an hour ago." Elena says. I fake cough, "lies." I say luckily I they don't hear but I hear Jeremy chuckle. "Me neither." Matt says looking into her eyes. I walk away. Yep that was way too awkward. I look over and see Elena freaking out. She runs over to me dragging me across the room. "What's wrong?" I question. "Viki's here and Jeremy left." My eyes widen. "I knew he didn't wanna come here." I say letting out a shaky sigh. I kept this from him to protect him and now he is in serious danger.

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