lol why u still here

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This book is now my baby.

This book is now my baby

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"You guys just interrupted my Minecraft livestream!" Receiver huffed. "I'm trying to build a house here, but Lancer broke the other controller with his vigorous pelvic thrusting!"

"But I thought that was how you played the game....!" Holy Lancer replied. He stopped air-humping for a second.

"I told you to press L R L R Stop & Dash & Up & Talk B B A B S," Receiver began. "But did you listen? No! You were too busy flirting with the chair!"

Blue Moon closed the door. "Hopefully they're both still alive by the time we get back."

Punkish glanced at the door. "You're just going to leave them there?"

"Well, there isn't much I could do. Besides, Receiver hates me."

"What? Why?"

"I was drunk one night and I put Receiver's iPad in the blender. When he asked me what I was doing, I said I was making apple juice," Blue explained. "He never talked to me or even acknowledged my existence after that."

"Why don't you just buy him a new iPad?"

"I'm broke."

"And I'm going to be, too, if I don't get to work," Punkish replied, suddenly remembering that he got a job about a week ago. "I have to go."

Punkish hurled through the nearest window since the door broke from the Naruto-running. Blue Moon looked out the now broken window and watched as he fell through the sky.

"Don't die!" Blue Moon called after him.

The booty shorts-wearing Len module crash landed through the roof of your favorite store, Shotas R Us. Another Len module in the store stood only a few feet away from Punkish. It was some cat guy.

"Satan? Is that you?" the cat person queried.

"No, silly! You're mistaking me for Holy Lancer," Punkish replied.

The cat person came into view. Punkish recognized him. It was Ivy Tomcat. "Oh. It's just you."

"Well now that you're here, I'm looking for this place."

"Place?" Ivy Tomcat narrowed his eyes at Punkish. "The strip club is next door on the left."

"What? No! I'm not looking for the strip club! At least, not this time..."

Back on the blue moon, Blue Moon was sitting just outside Receiver's room. Receiver was watching Boku no Pico and Holy Lancer was back to flirting with the chair. Blue sighed. Everyone had a hobby, something to do - except him. Not that flirting with chairs is a hobby. But hey, it's better than nothing, right? (Maybe I should try that someday)

Blue opened up a nearby window. This was something he did whenever he was bored. It calmed him for some reason. The afternoon breeze swept by. If he listened closely, he could even make out a few words.

"Cory is best waifu nsksjdjqkedkwjwhddkj!"

Blue Moon shut the window. "Seems legit."

Meanwhile, in Receiver's room, Holy Lancer was looking through a pile of books and laughing.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" Receiver asked.

"I can't read..." Lancer said, shutting the last book.

"Maybe it's because you spend your whole day air humping and talking to chairs," Receiver responded.

"Hey!" Lancer stood up. "You're just as bad as me if not worse. All you do is watch hentai and play Minecraft! I bet you can't read either!"

"I can read! I read manga all the time!"

"Manga doesn't count!"

"Manga is literature too!!!!!!"

Suddenly, Blue Moon burst into the room. "Hey guys, did you know that the wind told me that Cory is the best waifu?"

Holy Lancer blinked. "Blue, are you high?"

"No, I'm low!"

I made a new cover

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I made a new cover..........

I regret nothing.

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