when it doubt, air thrust it out

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Welcome back to another episode of Why TatsumiIsMyBae has no Friends. Also, why the hell did I choose to write this at midnight?

Despite being interrupted by Blue Moon on crack, Holy Lancer somehow managed to stir up another argument....

Holy Lancer replied, "Blue Moon... have you considered going to a mental hospital?"

"I don't know," Blue Moon began. "Have you ever considered stopping thrusting the air?"

"You know I can't stop! It's the reason I exist!"

Suddenly, a knock was heard at the front door.

Receiver lightly tapped Holy Lancer's shoulder. "Hey Lancer, I think there's someone at the door."

"Shush, Receiver! The grown ups are talking!"

"Well, fuck you too!" Receiver muttered under his breath, as he went to answer the door.

Strangely enough, Receiver was probably one of the more normal ones out of the modules living with Blue Moon. Blue Moon is bipolar, Holy Lancer develops friendships with chairs rather than other modules, and Punkish is unnaturally thicc. All Receiver does is play Minecraft and watch hentai. Actually, now that I think of it, all of them have done some pretty questionable things....

Okay, scratch that, none of the Len modules are in the slightest bit normal. For now.

While Holy Lancer and Blue Moon are arguing about who is more likely to go to a mental hospital, Punkish is still at Shotas R Us.

"Listen, just go to the building on the right and you should be there!" Ivy Tomcat didn't know where Punkish was trying to get to, he honestly just wanted him to leave.

"But... where do I go from there?" Punkish isn't an idiot, he simply likes annoying people. In other words, he pretends to be stupid in order to irk as many people as possible.

"Just figure it out yourself! I've wasted enough time talking to your fat ass!"

"Fat...? I'll have you know I am currently on a strict diet!"

"Diet? What the hell are you feeding yourself?!"

"My diet consists of homemade booty shorts (mm, I'd like to try some) and.... other stuff!"

Punkish has several closets full of booty shorts. One is labeled "fun to play with, not to eat" and the other is labeled "food." This is why he considers booty shorts to save lives.

At this point, Ivy Tomcat was getting really pissed off and ready to call for backup.

"Don't make me..." Ivy Tomcat threatened, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"No, don't! Anything but that!" Punkish pleaded.

You might be wondering why Punkish is so afraid of Ivy Tomcat calling someone up. You see, Ivy Tomcat has traveled the treacherous lands of spice and death, and has encountered some of the fiercest Len modules out there. Like that crazy one that obsesses over his beloved Trickster-sama. Or that really edgy one that wears masks. The possibilities are endless.

Back at the blue moon, Receiver was on his way to the door. He jerked it open, half-expecting to see Cory saying, "I just want to be in the house!" Instead, he got this:

 He jerked it open, half-expecting to see Cory saying, "I just want to be in the house!" Instead, he got this:

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Holy shit, it has no nipples!

Receiver slammed the door shut and came running to Blue Moon and Holy Lancer.

"Guys!! There's something at the door! And it has no nipples!"

Holy Lancer and Blue Moon exchanged glances.

"You know what? I think Receiver should go to the mental hospital."

"Or maybe we should all just go."

"Except me, I have chairs to keep the company of."

"Holy Lancer, this is why everybody hates you."

"I don't care, I have chairs!"

Receiver was silent for a moment.

"This isn't the time to be arguing!"

But the moment that Receiver was silent, Blue Moon was engaged in conversation with the wind again, and Holy Lancer was air-thrusting the pantry. Some of Punkish's edible booty shorts fell out.

"Screw you guys, I'm finding Punkish!" Receiver remarked and threw himself out the window. There's no way he's using the door after seeing what he just saw.

Blue Moon caught a glimpse of Receiver falling through the air and called out to the wind.

"Hey, wind-san."


"While Receiver is away, I figured I'd make more apple juice..."

I honestly don't know where I'm going with this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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