Chapter 12

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"Two-Bit, I thought you said Dally was at the DX?", I asked walking down the side walk with them..

"Thought he was.", he answered. My stomach was growling and I was starving. Good thing our destination was Diary Queen.

Since the sidewalk was only big enough for two people, Ponyboy and I stayed behind Two-Bit and Johnny. Ponyboy suddenly moves and I felt him wrap his arms behind my waist.

"For I can't help, falling in love with you.", He sang in the deepest voice he could. I started to giggle cause it sounded funny. He picked me up and spun me around.

"Pony, cut it out. The sooner we get there, the sooner we eat.", I said as he put me down. He refused to let go of my waist.

"You know what you have to do.", he said. I turned and kissed him again.

We finally made it to Dairy Queen and right when we sat down the boys were going at it like pigs.

"Gosh, slow down. Y'all are almost down and I haven't had my first bite.", I giggled lifting the hamburger to my mouth. Ponyboy was beside me and Johnny was sitting beside Two-Bit in front of us at a booth. I looked over at Pony who had ketchup on his face and started laughing.

"What?", he asked.

"You have a little something.", I answered pointing to his face. He smiled at me and grabbed a napkin.

"I could use a smoke.", Johnny said fifteen minutes later, after we were all done eating.

"I'll walk out with you.", I told him. We got up and went outside.

"It's been a while since we've actually hung out together. Even if it is a couple of minutes to smoke.", Johnny told me.

"Yeah, it has.", I agreed. I took Johnny's cigarettes out of his pocket along with his lighter.

"What are you doing?", he asked confused.

"Smoking.", I answered, lighting the cigarette.

"I see that. I thought you didn't smoke?", He asked.

"I don't, just wanted to try it.", I answered, blowing out smoke. Johnny grabbed my cigarette out of my mouth and threw on the ground.

"Please, don't let it be a habit.", He begged. I smiled and agreed. Next thing you know, we saw a blue mustang headed our way.

"Johnny!", I got his attention on the car as it pulled in. It parked right in front of us. About four socs stepped out of the car.

"Johnny, what should we do?", I asked in a whisper.

"Act calm, maybe they're just going in there to eat.", Johnny answered.

"Well, well, well, look who it is, fellas.", Randy said. "The greaser who killed Bob, and the greaser slut."

I clung to Johnny in fear, hoping they wouldn't see it.

"Hey, Randy, looks like she really is a slut. One minute she's with the blonde monkey, next with scar face, I wonder who's next.", some random soc said. They smelled my fear, and no I'm not with Johnny.

"I'll be next.", Randy said. Then, two socs went after Johnny. I grabbed Johnny's arm and didn't let go until, Randy and the one soc that called me a "slut' pulled me away from Johnny. They pinned me against the wall and Randy stepped in front of me.

"You know, for a greaser, you're real cute.", he said. He pulled my hair back behind my hair as I flinched and screamed "Johnny!". I glanced over and Johnny was on the ground being kicked and punched. I felt warm tears begin to fill my eyes.

"What's wrong grease?", Randy asked, sliding his hand up my shirt.

"PONYBOY, TWO-BIT!", I screamed as loud as I could trying to push Randy off of me. The two came storming out of Dairy Queen. First, Two-Bit pushed Randy off of me, then Pony and I went to help Johnny. Dally came out of no where and beat Randy more than last time.

"Are you ok?", Ponyboy and Dally asked in sync. Gasping for air in shock, I managed to say "Yes."

"Can we head over to the DX?", I asked. They all stood in confusion.

"Why do you wanna go to the DX?", Two-Bit asked.

"I don't know, I figured y'all would want to hang out with Soda and Steve. More of an army.", I answered. They all shrugged and we were off.

"Hey, I got you something, kid.", Dally said as he pulled out a rectangular box. I opened it and was surprised to find a blade.

"Dally, this is awesome!", I said in excitement.

"All yours, you need it just in case you come across any more socs.", Dally said. I was so excited. I can finally defend myself.

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