Sequal Chapter 15

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~* I have a craving for writing. So, I'm gonna write on my phone. Bare with me and my many mistakes. Still don't have a laptop. *~

The next morning I was in the kitchen eating some cake.

"You're going like that?", Dallas asked when he came through the door and saw me.

"What do you mean?", I ask confused.

"You're getting a tat today.", he answered. My eyes lit up as I remembered. I dropped my fork and ran into mine and Pony's room.

I grabbed the Mickey sweat shirt Two-Bit got me and threw it on. Then, slid on some black skinny jeans. I pulled my long hair up into a tight ponytail and put on a red bandana. I put on some dirty black converse and ran into the living room to meet with Dally.

When I was running to the living room, I ran smack dead into Ponyboy.

"Someone's in a rush?", he asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to the tattoo parlor with Dal.", I answered.

"Well, you're kinda forgetting something.", Pony said. I smiled and kissed him. He returned the smile and let me walk out the door with Dally.

"Do you know all the details of how you want it?", Dally asked.

"Yeah and it's gonna be a surprise.", I answered, winking at him.

We walked into the parlor and I took a seat.

"Hey Dal, mind leaving for awhile?", I asked with a devilish grin. He looked at me confused and agreed.

"So, what are we doing today?", the artist asked. He was covered with tattoos and was muscular.

"Um, on my wrist on want the name 'Winston' With a tiny gun beside the end with a pink bow on it.", I instructed.

"Cool, my name's Henry. I noticed you walked in with Dallas Winston. You a new broad of his?", Henry asked.

"Well, Henry, I'm Kyrie. His kid sister.", I answered.

"That kid that lost her boyfriend a couple of years ago?", he asked. I nodded. "Aw, I'm sorry."

"No, obviously you haven't seen the news lately. Ponyboy isn't dead. Turns out he was only kidnapped.", I replied.

"What was your reaction when you saw him again after three years?", Henry asked.

"I ran into his arms and kissed him. I was so happy.", I said smiling. "He proposed yesterday."

"That's great. Do you have any plans for the future?", he asked.

"As of right now, the only thing we're worried about is raising the baby.", I answered.

"Baby? What baby?", Henry asked again.

I sighed, "I'm pregnant."

"Oh, congrats! You seem like you'd make a good mom.", he congradulated.

He finally finished and I walked out. Dally snuck up behind me and scared me.

"So, what does it look like?", he asked. I held out my wrist for him to examine.

"That looks so-wow.", He said. I laughed and walked about two blocks. We saw a mustang pull up and park. Dallas and I sped up.

"Where do you think you're going greasers?", Randy asked.

"Don't listen keep walking. If anything happens run back to the house and get the gang.", Dallas whispered.

"But, what about-", I began.

"Just do as I say.", he demanded. I nodded. Just then a soc grabbed Dally's arm and I sped off. I got about a block away until Randy and some other soc gabbed ahold of me.

"Hey, look who it is. We've been playing games with this one for a while.", he said evilly.

"Don't hurt me or my baby.", I demanded.

"Baby? So, you're already knocked up? That's ashamed.", He teased getting closer. Then, threw me on the ground. He got ontop of me and began punching. The other was kicking me. I looked over with tears streaming down my face and saw Dallas knocked out cold. I did the first thing in mind and screamed. I screamed as loud as I could. About three more punches and I was out.

I barely opened my eyes when I realized I was in someone's arms. People were talking and I was trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Dally's not waking up!", Two-Bit screamed.

"Neither is-wait, Kyrie's up. She's waking up.", Ponyboy said. I looked up and saw I was in his arms.

"Are you ok?", Soda asked coming up to me. I faded out again.

The next time I woke up I was lying in a hospital bed with Soda and Pony right beside me. Two-Bit and Steve were in a couple of chairs.

"Where's Dally? And Johnny and Darry?", I asked.

"Johnny and Darry are with Dally and Dally is getting checked.", Pony answered. He looked depressed. I heard Soda sob lowly.

I looked confused, "Soda, what's going on?"

"Th-the socs k-k-killed the baby.", Soda sobbed.

"What!?", I screamed. Soda nodded with tears streaming down his face. I sat up and burried my face into my hands.

"It's ok, Kyrie. You aren't ready to be a mom anyways.", Pony said. I shot him a death glare. He instantly took the hint and started apoligizing. I didn't care, he shouldn't of said it.

"If you want another baby, you know I can be the sperm donor this time.", Two-Bit joked. It made me laugh, but Pony defensive.

"I think one sperm donor was enough. I need a turn.", he said. I rolled my eyes and shooed them out of the room so I can talk to Soda about the situation.

"Are you ok?", He asked.

"Physically yes, mentally no.", I answered. He chuckled.

"Yeah, it sucks losing a baby.", he replied.

"Soda, let me tell you something. Just between you and me. I love you. I love Pony more and want to be be with him more, but I do love you. You were there for me when I thought I lost Pony. Thank you, So.", I said. He smiled and hugged me. Then, signalled the rest of the gang to come back in.

~* Sorry if it's short and boring. *~

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