CH 2

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Zach POV

I watched Chiara franticly get out of my house. My mom even knew something was up with Chiara because usually Chiara never wants to go home since she'll just be alone there. Especially not on our birthday.  "Zach where is Chiara going? Is she okay?"

"I don't know." I started walking down the stairs.

"Is she upset about something." I know my mom was like a second mom to Chiara since she never really gets to see her mom. I trusted my mom enough to tell her what's going on. Besides Chiara never really acts like this so I don't know what to do at this point. 

"Mama are you doing something?" I went to where my mom was still in the kitchen rinsing off what Reese was using earlier. 

"Not really, is something going on?"

"It's just that I tried asking Chiara who she liked you know like a guy and she seemed upset after and she just left. She didn't even tell me what was making her so upset."

"Why did you ask if she liked a boy?"

I paused for a second, I hesitated to say why. "For a friend, he told me they liked her so I asked if she liked anybody."

"Who's your friend? Does she know who?" 

"She doesn't know I didn't say."

"Why didn't you say?"

"Cause I didn't want to..."

"Now Zach, is this 'friend' really a friend or is there something else you aren't telling me?"My mom was right. I knew exactly where this was going but I didn't wanna hear it. "Zach? It's okay you can tell me I won't tell Chiara. Although you aren't very subtle the way you two are always together and always so close." I thought to myself, damn is it that noticeable. 

"I like her, but I like being friends too. I just don't wanna lose her."

"Awh that's cute Zach but hang in there you're 14 now. No need to rush into things with her just go slow okay. Give her time too, you guys are together all the time she just wants a little alone time, you two will be fine." My mom was right we never leave each other alone sometimes. Even when she wasn't here we would be FaceTiming or texting. She'll come back, I know she will. 

Chiara POV

I was at the mall Clo and we went into Sephora together. We got our makeup done and started to randomly walk around the mall because we had nothing better to do. We started talking and of course this girl has to bring up Zach. "So what's Zach doing this summer?"

"A lot of soccer I guess. I mean it's Zach his whole life is just soccer, sing, eat, sleep, repeat." 

"I'll miss him cause of summer camp." Clo was going away to a cheer camp the whole summer but I mean they don't even hang out so what's she gonna miss? His face I guess.

We walked around the mall a little more until Clo dropped me off at home. I was happy to see that my Dad was already ready at home just waiting. Usually my dad missed events I was in because of work, it was nice this time that I knew for sure he would be there. "Dad you're home so early!"

"I couldn't miss you getting all your awards! What time you gotta be there?"

"I gotta be at school by 4:00 and you gotta be there by 5:00."

"I'll be there. You're getting a ride with Zach okay. We're saving the planet, use less gas."

I didn't want to be with Zach right now. I wasn't ready to go back and talk to him. I just needed a night even it was our birthday. "Can you drop me off?"

Zach Herron Fanfic- Boy-FriendWhere stories live. Discover now