Chapter Two: Friends With The Monster

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He'd had enough. He wanted answers. He'd had so any questions for so long. three months since the incident and he was still house bound and no one would talk to him. Jay was being stupid and naive. He believed that it was Cole that killed his parents. Why would he even think that? Jay knew he wouldn't ever do a thing like that; besides what would have possessed Jay to think that. Speaking of possession, Cole kept on having these strange surges, as if there was something inside him trying to break free. a sudden burst of energy or a sudden urge of power or strength. Or a craving for revenge. Revenge wasn't something Cole would usually desire. This wasn't normal. This had to stop. But he didn't know how to  stop it. it had all started after he was carried home from the junkyard by Jay. However, the odd thing is, that the day after the incident after a few hours of sleep, Nya came to check on him and the cut across his chest had almost healed. All that was left was the scar and nothing more. So they could try and figure out how it had happened, Cole was house bound for the next five months so they could analyse him. As a gash like that couldn't heal like that normally, It would take weeks. Plus the fact that it should have killed him. After three months of long examination and analysis, he decided that he was going to leave, the temple and the team. He'd been debating this for a while, being trapped there in his room. Cole didn't think that he was being trapped there for analysis, he believed it was because they agreed with Jay about the murder of his parents. Cole had told them over and over again that it was the creature that had done it but they were having none of it. Except Lloyd though. Lloyd was the only one being civil with him, but had to agree with the others. He decided to write a note to Lloyd and tell him exactly everything that had happened, and only for Lloyd. Cole didn't bother telling everyone else what had happened because he knew they wouldn't listen, Lloyd would understand. He out the note in an envelope and wrote for the eyes of Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon only, and sealed it. He waited until everyone else was asleep until he made a move. Desperately trying not to make a sound, slowly he opened his bedroom door and crept out into the hallway, down the stairs and into the courtyard. There he used airjitzu to safely reach the ground and began to run, making sure his scythe stayed in it's hilt and stayed on route to the harbour where he would take off on his dragon. If he summoned his dragon at the courtyard he would have caused to much attention and woke the others, giving them a chance to chase after him. 

Cole then noticed how fast he was running. The scenery of the desert blurred past him as he sped into Ninjago city. What would have normally taken him thirty minutes instead took only two to get to the harbour. He froze as he reached the edge of the harbour, arms outstretched in front of him balancing himself. Laughing to himself, he took off into the night, on route to Chen's island, the place no one would expect him to go. Too many bad memories had happened there and they haven't visited it for six years. It was time for him to relive his life again, free and happy.

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