Chapter Seven: Operation This is Gospel

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"I told you Roman was the creative one." Patton laughed, watching the orb as it's cloudy centre formed what looked like a castle, with turrets and flags standing on the tips of the tallest towers.

"But, it can't be... that's..."

"Camelot..." Sophie finished for Agatha. Ferne lowered his hands before stumbling into the drawer behind him.

"Are you alright Ferne?" Jake asked, putting his arm around Ferne's shoulder. Ferne pushed it off.

"I'm fine, let me try again," Ferne held his hand out to redo the spell but Agatha held him down.

"Rafal's magic is too strong Ferne, it's sucking the energy right out of you." She assured him. Agatha nodded to Roman who was writing things on a list.

"Check one of Operation This Is Gospel, find Tedros, done." He ticked a box he had drawn next to the bullet point and carried on writing the rest. Mumbling as he went.

Ferne then realised something and turned to Ben.

"Hey, Ben, you have Spirit, right?" Ferne asked, nodding at him.

"Yes, I do. But- "

"Are there any of Tedros' possessions in here at all?" Ferne then turned to Agatha and Sophie.

"Yes, I have one here right now." Agatha placed a hand cautiously on Excalibur. "But no one is allowed to touch it."

"Ugh, alright, anywhere else?" Ferne asked Sophie, eagerly. She nodded.

"I think there are a couple of his things in the gallery of Good." Sophie explained. "If anyone dares eat any of the candy classrooms you will be kicked out immediately."

Jay and Heath glanced excitedly at each other. Those two tended to go their own way but did follow the rules occasionally, if it meant risking their lives. This rule did, and as they walked past the sweet-smelling classrooms, to the Gallery for Good, they looked at each other, debating separating from the group but decided they daren't. They didn't want to lose Sophie or Agatha's trust, so they grudgingly carried on walking. Heath and Jay, both put their hands in their pockets to find that they had a seemingly never-ending stash of sweets. Squealing in delight, Jay fiddled around in his pocket, finding a Coca-Cola flavour jaw breaker and popping it into his mouth, and Heath shoving a sour strawberry shoelace into his.

"Right, we need codenames for the Furious Four, instead of T, L, V and C, it's too obvious." Roman stated.

"Go on then, you came up with the operation name, you pick the codenames," Nya laughed.

"How about Fall Out Boy, White Swan, Crofters and Panic at the Everywhere," he counted them off on each finger trying to come up with a name for them. (Yes, T, L, V and C are Tedros, Logan, Virgil and Cole, in case you were wondering.)

"Fall Out Boy?" Lloyd asked.

"They're a popular soft rock band from our realm, he might like them." Roman wrote the names on the back of his hand and then onto a piece of paper.

"True," Lloyd laughed.

Agatha grinned at Jay and Heath stuffing their faces with their candy. Everything had happened so quickly, Rafal disguised as Tedros almost killing her; Jay, Heath, Patton, Roman, Thomas, Nicco, Jake, Luke, Ferne, Lloyd, Zane, Nya, Andy, and Ben appearing out of nowhere, claiming that they'd had fiends kidnapped, disappeared or sucked into a mysterious portal. The Sanders' story was quite intriguing. Here they were, four twenty-eight-year olds playing tag in their living room, one of their friends decides to hide in a cupboard he always gets stuck in, finds a strange portal in the back, the other friend hears his cries for help, tries to pull him out but manages to get sucked in as well and the other two stand staring at the cupboard. Agatha couldn't help but laugh at how Roman had explained it. Nya then stopped walking and then turned to the ninja, looking worried.

"Wait a minute, did anyone see Kai appear when we were in the Woods?" she bit her tongue, tears pricking her eyes as she gave them a hopeful look. "I hope he's okay wherever he is."

"I didn't see him following us after we arrived, maybe he's with Cole?" Lloyd began to look worried now.

"Hang on," Jay swallowed a sour apple shoelace, and cleared his throat. "Why are we still looking for Tedros if we know where he is anyway?"

Agatha banged her head against the wall and Lloyd slapped his face with his palm.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," Sophie swayed gracefully over to Jay and put her arm around his shoulder. Sophie's cold, smooth skin rubbed against the back of his neck, making him shiver.

"Just to check if Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Everywhere, White Swan and Crofters is there, just in case the Firefox is there too." Roman carried on walking.

"We wouldn't all be here if they weren't. Why else would he have brought you here?" Sophie decided to change direction and head back up the stairs to Honour Tower and check on how the students were doing. That's what she assured them anyway. She really wanted to speak to Clarissa Dovey, the Dean of Good. They had become best friends since her old one died in her arms because of Rafal. Sophie felt she was guilty for that. If it wasn't for her, Lady Lesso would still be alive, the war between good and evil would not have had to happen because of her. Cinderella would still be alive, Nicholas would still be alive, Tristan would still be alive ever since she went to the School for Good and Evil, someone had died because of her and Agatha's fairy-tale. It was all because of her, she always started the wars, yet somehow, she always ended them, with help from Agatha of course. Tedros did help, but was usually the main cause of the war. The war between her and Agatha. The war between love and friendship, her and Agatha's love and friendship. She lead them up the stairs and into Professor Dovey's office.

"Ah Sophie, what a surprise, how are you?" Clarissa's jaw clenched, seeing the amount of people trying to all fit into her office. She sighed, and just let them shout at each other trying to cram themselves in, eventually making Agatha shove Sophie head over heels over her desk.

"FOR PITY'S SAKE WILL YOU PLEASE JUST SORT THIS OUT!" Agatha cried, shoving everyone out of the office. "ONE FROM EACH REALM WILL BE ENOUGH! Passion, Lloyd and Ferne, you come in here while the rest of you STAY OUT AND DON'T MAKE A FUSS!"

"Imbeciles," Sophie muttered to herself as Agatha helped her from the ground. 

"Wait a minute, did you just call me Passion?" Patton raised his eyebrows and stopped in front of Agatha.

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