Chapter Nine: Camelot

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Roman  awoke; his head was spinning. He imagined little bird whizzing around his head as he sat up on his extremely comfortable bed. Two other faces were watching down on him. One of which was Jay, terrified out of his wits. The other was a person whom he had never seen before, that didn't look like anyone from the pictures he was shown of  the ninja's and princess' friends that had been captured. 

"Is he awake?" Jay asked, poking Roman's arm.

"I think so, his eyes are open." the other held Jay's wrist and clicked in Roman's face. Roman hated it when people did that, the noise was annoying and too sudden for his liking. He pushed the new guy's hand away and sat up.

"I'm awake you nitwit. I'm awa-" his voice faltered at the sight of the grand room he had woken up in. He gawped at the swirling golden pillars, that were at least twenty ft high, the large  boarded up window with claret red curtains, with swirling patterns of flowers; the room about half the size of a football pitch, the king sized bed with scarlet curtains, the portrait of a prince with wavy, golden hair, sapphire blue eyes and chiselled features. The ornate dressing table with it's enormous mirror, glinting in the torch light. 

"Am I dreaming?" Roman rubbed his temples as he sat up and scanned the room, before turning back to Jay and the new person. 

"Nope, It's a nice place, but, still, we have no idea where we are," the new guy said.  His voice was like the magma chamber of a volcano, deep, but filled entirely with the molten rock. His voice could be powerful enough to make your bones feel like they were vibrating. When he spoke, everyone would turn, whether they knew him or not. His voice was just so angelic and husky. He was raven-haired with majestic hazel eyes, that pierced through his skin comfortably. His skin was pale, but glowed healthily. 

  "The name's Thomas. But you can call me Greenie... That's what they used to call me in the maze," the guy explained, holding out a hand for him to shake. Roman took it, taking in the smoothness and coldness of Thomas' palm, the firm grip he had on his own.

"I-I-I'm R-Roman." he stammered. He swung his legs off the bed so he could level himself with Thomas. He turned to Jay and hugged him. 

"What's this for?" Jay asked.

"There was a moment, before I was sucked into that wall portal. you were just stood there, at least I thought it was you an-and-" he was cut off by a rattling at the door handle. Roman sped towards it and held it shut.

"Who's there?" he cried. A familiar scream of joy answered his question. He opened the door to see Logan, Kai, Cole and Tedros stood in front of him. Roman ran up to Logan and hugged him. Kai and Cole noticed Jay behind the bedstead, cowering and smirked at each other. They crept over to him and Cole tapped him on the shoulder. Jay turned around and grinned at him. Kai tapped him on the other shoulder and Jay's smile was the widest he could master.

"ARRGGHH! YOU'RE HERE! AND ALIVE!" Jay yelled embracing them both, tears of joy trickled down his cheeks. 

Thomas noticed something familiar about the blonde guy watching the others have their reunion. He had golden blonde hair, and a face he recognised instantly.

"Newt?" Greenie hesitated, wondering if he was dreaming or not.

"Who?" Blondie asked, puzzled

"Oh, just someone I know... he looks alot like you." Greenie had expected the Newt look-a-like to come out and say that he was Newt, however, they just stared at each other blankly.

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