November 31 st.

151 5 2

The next morning I have to say, it wasn't easy for me to wake up, from being tired of thinking of the possibilities and outcomes that came with zak's proposal of asking me to be his fake girlfriend.

What all did it entail? Did he want just a show for the family? would I have to move in with him for a month? would we have to kiss? would we have to act like a regular couple and hold hands? Would we go on dates? Would we be showing off at work too? what would they all think? What if word got out and we were hounded?.... The list went on and on but the one thing that was on my mind was, Would I fall in love with him and end up with a broken heart?

Sighing and hearing my phone ping for the fourth time since my eyes were fully open and just laying there and looking up at the overhead fan above my bed. I picked it up and unplugged its charger and looked at it. Texts. From my boss. 

"When are you coming in?"

'We really need to talk"

"We have to set up for Christmas tonight"

"Meet me in my office when you get here, it's important." They read. 

Groaning and kicking off my blanket I got up and got a shower did my hair and kinda took my time getting ready, not really wanting to face the music, nor my boss.

Getting my phone and bag I locked up my place and got into my car and drove the shower 20 minutes to the museum. 

When I arrived I grabbed my water bottle and walked to the back door slid my card to get in and walked to the employee lockers I opened mine and placed my belongings inside and heard bacon behind me.

"Britt finally showed up," he said. 

"I know I'm so sorry I had a really crappy night's sleep and then I didn't hear my alarm and it's just been a day already I'm sorry," I told him. 

"No sweat with me but Mr. boss man may have an issue" he smiled some. 

"That's what I'm afraid of" I mumbled and said goodbye to him and walked to the dreaded boss's door. I knocked and opened the door. 

"Hey it's me sorry I'm late just been a day already," I said. 

"Come in have a seat." He said. 

"Ok..." I said getting a little worried about his confession last night was I about to be fired!? If I was he's got another thing coming. 

"So about last night," He started as he moved over to sit next to me. 

"Yes?" I said.

"About the thing about me asking you to pose as my fake girlfriend?" He said. 

"Yes?" I said. 

"I was serious, It won't last long until the new year" He said. 

"Zak," I said. 

"Brittany Please, I just want some peace with my mom she's just being relentless and I just want to spend this Christmas with them and you being there would just make it easier," he said. 

"Zak, what's gonna happen if they find out? and when we "Break up"? Then what? I can't have them hating me or disliking me for that matter" I said. 

"I'll handle it all you don't have to worry about a thing," He said

"Just name your price" he added. 

"Zak I don't want anything from you, It's bad enough my paycheck comes from you," I told him looking at my hands. 

"Britt it's not like that.." he said

"It is for me ok just tell me when and where you want me and where I need to be, I'll do it, but on one condition," I said

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