about you

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okay. so this art isn't really in the story is more like me sitting down with you in that room i found you in and telling what i am and what i do. and its in my pov talking o you.\

"OH OK (y/n) i have to talk to you about something.'' you came over and sat on my bed next to me. 

'there's allot you don't no about me y/n''. ''it okay you can tell me anything'' you said.''ok here it goes. y/n I'm not normal like you think i am I'm actually the opposite of that. i can not die like you, i can not age, I'm really dead, and I'm stuck like this until one day, well what I'm a creepy-pasta and no one knows me because i keep my profile low. and i kill people and eat there insides, but i prefer this heart. and i know you feel safe around me because i can see the past and present and future. i don't always look like this when im killing and that person has a fear i can change into there worst nightmare. when im angry my eyes turn black and my skin turn paler then this and my hair turns red, because im sort of part of hell.'' and all the other people down stairs are creepy-pastas too.'' i look like her 

you just sat there listening to me not freaking out or anything you still felt safe.heres why ''

and y/n you feel safe because youre going to be one of use soon because i can see you in the future, slenderman asked me to look in the future and i saw you, you shouldnt be scard of me jane... well because shes your sister............

 you stood there frozen but happy because you lost your sister along time ago and you were almost crying becuase you were only 10 when that happend. this is a start to a new beginning

~Jeff the killer~ killer loverWhere stories live. Discover now