Gym class?

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        Author's noteeee😂: Bolds are what i say aka author's comments and italics are thoughts. Enjoyyyyy!

Mari Pov
      "Urgh, why do we have NAPFA?!(National Physical Fitness Award/Assessment) Look at that obstacle course! thats Earth's version of HELL!🤤😓😭"
       "Aw cheer up Alya, its easier than it looks😉! and we needa have NAPFA to stay healthy! so get ur sulking butt off the bench and join the rest of the class!😁" I cheered while pulling her up and dragging her all the way to the other side of the gym where our class assembled whilst waiting for Monsieur Armand D'Argencourt, our PE teacher.

       "Where's Darkblade(Referance To: 12th ep of  1st season)? it's been 15minutes already and he has yet to arrive! and here he keeps insisting on us being punctual😂😑" Alix bemoaned while the class guffawed at the irony🤣.
        All of a sudden, Mrs Bustier came into the Gym hall and informed us that Monsieur Armand D'Argencourt was home sick and we have the remaining period to do whatever we want before going to our next class😃! Everyone ,but Alix and Kim, Whooped and hollered, pleased that they didn't have to go through "HELL".

         After a few minutes of partying, we still had half an hour to do whatever. I was thinking of challenging Alix and Kim. However, Alya had other plans......
        "GUYS! LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!😈" uh-oh....please anything but's not going to end well...oh who am i kidding, everything that Alya suggests to do with that DEVIL FACE ends badly...😓😫
         Alas, Luck was not on my side...ironic considering I'm Lady Luck😂. Many shouted 'Sure!' 'I'm game!'. Thus leading to the whole class ,with the exception of Chloe and her slave-ahem ahem i meant Sabrina😜who said something about her having an appointment at the Salon&Spa, to sitting in a circle on the gym floor, officially starting the game of "death".

            Author's note: I know many of you hate author's note but meh😝. This is my 1st book so i hope it's good enough for a newbie😅. Pls comment and follow me😀. cya next Chappie!!!!!!

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