Ace X Reader

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You have know Ace for a few years now, and you two have been hinting at wanting to be together for a while now. He has even told Sabo how much he likes you, and how beautiful you are.

You of course are good friends with Luffy, and that's how you met Ace. Tomorrow is his birthday, and you have come up with something special for the freckled man.

Right now your sitting on the front porch at the boys house drinking tea with Sabo and watching Luffy run around the yard with his dog, Chopper.

Ace steps out to join you with a playful smile pulling at his lips.

"Hey (y/n) how long have you been here?"

"About 2 hours"

Ace takes the seat next to you, and snakes his arm around your shoulder.

"Do you know what tomorrow is (y/n)?" He asks pecking your cheek.

"Ya, its New Year's Day!" You take a sip for your cup.

Ace frowns "Anything else happening tomorrow?"

You bring your hand up to your chin, as if your thinking hard. "No... Can't think of anything. What else is going on tomorrow?" You turn your head to Sabo. "Sabo do you know what's going on tomorrow?"

"Ya it's...

Sabo gets cut off by Luffy running straight into the blonde, knocking him and his chair over.

"Shishishishi sorry Sabo"

Sabo gets up and takes off after Luffy, leaving you and Ace alone.

"Well I see you later" Ace smiles a big and beautiful smile, then steals a quick peck on your lips before running off to join his two brothers.

"Still won't pull the trigger yoi?"

"Sadly, no!" You sigh as Marco opens the screen door and joins you.

"Are you still going through with your plan tonight yoi?"

You watch as the three brothers chase each other and wrestle around in the yard as Chopper pulls on Luffys shirt.

"Absolutely. I love him Marco, and if he won't pull the trigger on this, then I will."

Marco smiles "Good, because I think your perfect for each other!"

You blush and take a sip of your now cold tea, and shutter as you spit it back in the cup.

Marco laughs at you before taking the cup from you and going back into the house.

You decide it's time to head home and get ready for the party tonight. You wave at the boys from across the yard as you climb into your car.


It's time for the annual New Years party at the Newgate house. You just pulled up to the house and none other then the freckled face himself opens your door for you.

"Hey Ace"

You step out of your car wearing a very short and sexy (f/c) tight, strapless dress with matching heels.

Aces mouth drops open. "Wow (y/n) you look... Wow"

You giggle at his cute expression as he looks you up and down. Little does he know you have sexy plans with him later.

Ace holds his arm out to you "Can I escort you inside beautiful?"

You blush, but wrap your arm around his, and head inside to where the party has already begun.

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