Killer X Reader

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You have been with the Kid pirates for almost a year now, ever since one of the crew tried to kidnap you and hold you hostage in his room.


Your captor had you for two days before he touched you. He thought he was in the clear when no one heard your sobs, or felt the presence of a woman.

He stripped you down and bound your hands and feet together behind your back. As you sat up on your knees he pulled his pants down and shoved his cock into your hot mouth as tears streamed down your face.

Killer was walking towards his own room when he heard the moans of the man and... A women crying. Even with that helmet on he could hear clearly.

Killer AKA The Massacre Soldier had a secret soft spot for women being forced into sexual acts.

He found the room where the sounds were coming from, which belonged to Jiro a fairly new crew member. Killer kicked in the door and flew into the room.

"Oh shit Killer, it's not what it looks like!"

He pulls out of your mouth, pushing you to the ground and pulling his pants back up. Before he could say another word or get his pants buttoned, Killer punches him in the face, and knocks him out.

Killer wished he had his scythes with him so he could cut this asshole in two, but he will gladly torture him later.

You were now laying on your side as you sobbed, with your face pressed into the floor.

Killer walked over to you and crouched down so he can untie you.

You flinch as his calloused fingers brush over the scars on your bare skin.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you."

Your hair was hiding your face and as soon as he released the final rope that bound your hands, you reached over and grabbed something off of the table next to you.

Killer couldn't tell what it was, so he immediately put up his gard. You snapped a clip behind your head, and then turned to face the masked man.

You couldn't see it but his eyes went wide when he saw the thing you grabbed off the table was a mask that covered the bottom half of your face, from your nose to the top of your neck. Only your beautiful (e/c) orbs were visible. Even though the tears he could see their beauty.

"Thank you" you say as you stare at the faceless man. You cover your chest with your arms as you rub your bruising wrists. You pull your legs up closer to your body as Killer says nothing.

He reaches over and pulls the blanket from the bed, and wraps it around your naked body as you shake in fear.

"I promise I won't hurt you, and that bastard will die a slow and painful death for what he did here. How long have you been locked up in here? We're out in open waters now!"

You fling your arms around the stranger and cry into his neck. He rubs your back, then lifts you up off the floor.

"I need to ask one thing."

You nod your head so he knows your listening.

"Did he rape you?" Part of him didn't want to know the answer, but he had to know if there was a possibility of future pregnancy.

"No, what you saw was all he did to me, sexually anyways."

He walks out of the room and carries you to the infirmary, passing another crew member and telling him to tie up Jiro who lays unconscious on the floor in his own room.

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