Once upon a time

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This is a story of two heros from two seprate world far apart.

One is a half human and half demon, not just any demon, oh no, not any demon. The son of Satan. And his name is Rin Okumura.

"Girl with silver eye's and red like hair, leaves rose petals behind when you slice your enemies. I call you now to aid me in battle of those with dark souls."

And the other is a soon to be Huntress who fights souless monsters from the deep, called the grimm. Ever since her uncle took her under his wing. Hhe's been trained to fight creatures who hunt for the weak. And her name is Ruby Rose.

"Have you ever heard of the fairy tale story of a half demon with blue flames. I always love reading it when I was just a little girl. I always read it when I didn't have anyone to play with."

These two unlikely heros will meet in the others world, and work together. To help the other to return them back home. But will they want them return home when they enjoyed their company.

Join Rin and Ruby, teaming up.

Or will this be a disaster waiting to just happen.

Let's begin shall we?

Two little kids were in the middle of a dark room. Not nowing were they are, one of them had navy blue hair with blue eye's. the other, with dark red hair and silver eye's. They didn't know they were not standing alone in a room.


Both called out at the same time, when they both heard a voice next to eachother, they jumped in surprise. They turned to look at who was next to them. The one with blue hair looked at the red hair girl. The red hair girl looked at the blue hair boy. Shocked, but happy to know they aren't alone in this dark room. The girl smiled happily, "Hi! My name is Ruby. What's your?"

Even the boy was happy to know he wasn't alone. He was shocked that this girl the same age as him talking too him. Many would just look at him in disgust at him for no odd reason, just because of his ugly temper. "Rin..." He started to blush when the girl smiled wider.

"That's a nice name!" The boy blushed even deeper from her words, not many would say things like this to him. "Your name is nice too..." The little girl smiled even wider if could. "Thanks, alot of people would think my name is weird. Maybe because of my last name, or maybe because about my hair." The red head sighed, but smile. "Hey, do want to be my friend?" Boldly asked the red head.

This shocked Rin, no one wanted to be his friend even. This girl was full of surprises, even when he saw her eye's they surpised him when he saw her. "Why do you want to be my friends. Don't you think I'm a demons child." Demanded the blue hair child. The red hair just frowned at his queistion. "No! Why would I think that, that's mean, I just met you. Even though I met you, I think your too nice to be a demons child." As she said this she closed eye smiled at hih.

Rin just blushed all the same at her words. "Okay lets be-"

'Rin! Wake up, it's time for school!'

'Ruby! Come on sis, it's time to wake up!'

At that moment, they both woke up to their worlds. Thinking it was all just a dream that they will soon forget that person they saw in their dream.

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